The Official Hunting Thread

Negative 99frc…I have seen them personally. There was a whole family of them in duanesburg about 10 years ago. Me and my older brother saw one right on are driveway. Two of my sisters saw them cross the road near my house. and my neighbors saw them and 3 cubs cross the road. Not too mention other people in the village also saw them. Those Motherfuckers used to scream at night. so scary. One time my sister got locked out of the house because she snuck out and my parents didnt know she was gone. Theres woods all around my house. She heard one growling in the woods and hid behind the freezer in the garage all night. The same sister used to have to leave for work at 3:30 AM. One day she couldnt go outside because she could see the tail coming out from under her tiburon. She had an automatic car starter…when she started it, it ran away.:eek

They were the one thing that consistently haunted my dreams for my childhood. I used to be terrified of them. We did contact DEC about it and they just tried to discourage us and refute the sightings. DEC knows ALLLL!!! :Idiots:Idiots

Gat and 91240…hunting this weekend sounds good?:excited I should be home from Potsdam by saturday night.:thumbup