The Official Hunting Thread

thats a nice buck right there!

Thanks! My biggest so far. Gun or bow.

On my property we don’t shoot anything less than 6 points, and it is showing good results.

we shoot for food, so if its brown its down :lol i think the biggest ive got was a 4pt? idk i dont keep track when there small

Nice buck!

Jon we got to get that 8 pointer we saw a while back!

I don’t doubt one bit that there could be mountain lions in the area but if there were big cats in the area wouldn’t more people know about it or wouldn’t sightings be on the news or in the paper?

Furthermore if there are in fact mountain lions up near Thatcher Park, how do you know for a fact that they are mountain lions? Have you found signs that they are actually there? Fur, feces, or prints?

Like I said before I’m not doubting you one bit, I’d love to go out and try to spot one. But if you are seeing them, aren’t these a protected animal as they were nearly hunted to extinction years ago in this area?

I’ll talk my my friend’s dad. He’s an avid hunter and lives up near thatcher park. He might have some proof.

very nice on both accounts man. well placed shots on both… just behind the front shoulder. DOIN WORK with that bow. :thumbup

Negative 99frc…I have seen them personally. There was a whole family of them in duanesburg about 10 years ago. Me and my older brother saw one right on are driveway. Two of my sisters saw them cross the road near my house. and my neighbors saw them and 3 cubs cross the road. Not too mention other people in the village also saw them. Those Motherfuckers used to scream at night. so scary. One time my sister got locked out of the house because she snuck out and my parents didnt know she was gone. Theres woods all around my house. She heard one growling in the woods and hid behind the freezer in the garage all night. The same sister used to have to leave for work at 3:30 AM. One day she couldnt go outside because she could see the tail coming out from under her tiburon. She had an automatic car starter…when she started it, it ran away.:eek

They were the one thing that consistently haunted my dreams for my childhood. I used to be terrified of them. We did contact DEC about it and they just tried to discourage us and refute the sightings. DEC knows ALLLL!!! :Idiots:Idiots

Gat and 91240…hunting this weekend sounds good?:excited I should be home from Potsdam by saturday night.:thumbup

Yeah lets shoot at whatever moves. Including those poachers that drive down our road. :rofl

i am getting so pumped for being back in the 518…i have only been home 14 hrs since august…whole week home ftw

To be on your side here. It is a financial thing. If there are in fact mountain lions in NYS then NYS would have to spend buttloads of money to protect them to keep the tree huggers happy. So they will refute and deny existence of them until there is irrefutable evidence.

Necro thread revival. My bow season mount came in tonight.

Carry on.

The season approaches…