The Official "Make Failvis' charred STi a Monument to FAIL" Fund

I’m in for $10. Straight cash. Must not be used for gambling plz.

this money isnt going to trav, it’s going to adam if anything.

haha yea some people are already getting worried because “failvis” is in the name of this fundraiser… but the chairman or whatever you call it is adam, he’ll be recieving the funds for this failvis fundraiser…

this is way more worth putting money into then whatever you what the fuck am i talking about
yea 10 bucks

im in

The money will be used to acquire the charred remains from whatever party owns it after its all said and done. We’ll then create a monument to failure out of it to warn future generations. Grandfathers will tell their grandchildren scary stories of Failvis in front of the fireplace to warn them to be honorable people when they grow up.

so what does adam think ?

I’m sure Adam does not care what happens to the shell, as long as it is gone from his sight and his property.

If the bank signs it over to Adam, Adam gets paid for it.
If the bank takes it away to be crushed… well I guess the goal is to buy it from them?

yea but i doubt thats gonna be easy to buy from the bank, i mean u know how lazy people here are who is gonna be the one to gather all the money and buy it from the bank

The bank is going to take one look at that car and tell adam to keep it, and go after travis for the full remaining sum…or his dumbshit ex girlfriend.

Pretty much, the bank isn’t going to want it.
They will sign it over to Adam to dispose of as he wishes.
There is nothing to repo for them to try and make money back from.
Not worth their time.

there, they are going to leave it as adams problem…

so where is it going for real… would be so awesome to have this as a monument

just so everyone knows, the total so far is $80 (I was bored and added eveythin up)

I REALLY REALLY wish i could get this, I was going to make a barbecue out of it and host a shift518 car show / meet kinda thing at my house. I definitely have the room, but wifey is having NONE of it. :cry: :vlad

Tell her that it is an important piece of Shift history!
Plus, BBQ’s/Meets/Etc!! YES!! Take this thing Wayne!

Tell her we’ll all throw down and get her something real shiny that vibrates.

benny u got plenty just donate one to his lady

we’ll see what happens… i’m gonna run the idea by her again tonight… i really only need half the car… we’ll see.

i lol’ed

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Wifey just text me, she read my post and is down for a Shift518 meet @ the house after April 15th sometime… (shes mad busy doing taxes knee-grows) best part is she is cool with me taking the car and making a grill :)… so I guess this means I have dibs?

Adam… input on this?

WOOO!!! :banana
