The Official Nargila/Shisha/Hookah Thread

i smoked shisha in uni. green apple and some other random flavors. its actually not bad for you since there is no tabacco and such.

try smoking bud with a shisha and some ice cubs and fruit punch, shits crazy.

i remember smoking 2 cakes topped with hash oil, ice cubes and such, got me higher then method man and redman put together…shit was higggggggggh

There is tobbacco… unless you got the herbal stuff which only made its way to NA about a year ago…

hmmm havent tried that yet…


how about a TNC sheesha meet for those who are new to that thing???:smiley:

everybody bring maad shisha, it will be nice out.

Hey guys, do I really have to refrigerate the Tobacco after opening?
The guy sold me the tobacco over the counter, no where near the refrigerator but it was a closed package. I’ve been putting mine in the fridge because one of my Persian friends has been telling me to do so, but it’s away from everything else and extremely easy to forget.

i bought a bucket of shisha in bahrain and i have had it for almost a year. shortly after buying it, some stoner knocked a coal over and it fell on the bucket, melting a hole through the plastic. so it wasnt even sealed, and i just kept it in my room and that was for about a year, so no, it doesnt really go bad. some of my other tobacco that i have had for over a year went dry though

How long do you plan on not smoking it… smoke faster and more often and you won’t have that problem :R

i think a year in an unsealed container with no mold and still moist is pretty good

wow people don’t know much about this stuff. Sheesha is the tobbaco and a argila/hookah is the “water bong”. Best place to get sheesha is in jordan a huge jar is like 5 bucks.