The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

^^^ What’s Yodeler?

That is my ski patrol schedule for Holiday Valley.

wtf? like a running race numbe with a tim hortons sponser on it? or like a model race car next to a tim hortons cup.

Fail. 30 minute rule has expired. Motion for new item.


2nd that motion

Alright what about mighty taco combo meal with a NYSpeed tag on it.


any requested item in a vice?

a red stapler.

lol. A computer monitor.

Something electronic would be sweet. But anything works.

bring a vice into the server room, have some fun, make next item walking papers!

well i have that, but i dont think it counts…


Count it. Vice can be a wild card that counts for anything. Its taking too damn long.

lol…go do some work

k… then next pic = the “milton” of your office… … every office has one… “the guy that is just shapes” - dane cook

bonus if there is candy on his desk,

double bonus if you are pictured giving him candy.

i’m back and oooh i like this one… i will give this a try

no candy… slight bonus because he looks like kip from napoeleon dynamite tho?

post a picture of someone holding a bucket (it can be a picture of yourself if needed). bonus points if they look like this:

I am just really T.O.'ed that you didn’t give him candy.

hard enough to not get caught takin the pics, there was a lot of people around and i had to cough to cover the shutter sound