The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

Next up: A bottle of whiteout and a sheet of paper with the holes along the sides, like for a dot matrix printer.

newman you could have taped off the chrome parts

anyone alive out there?

It does seem to be a slow day today.

not dot matrix here, we’re from post 2000 :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, we have this one mainframe report that always prints with that paper, ive been looking at a pile of the little edge thingies with the holes since i got here, thats what gave me the idea.

Up next: Someone’s oversized lunch bag, tagged with

EDIT: I didn’t get to get in on this on day one since I took the day off.

i have the whiteout but no paper… i could hole punch the side of some paper tho… would that count?


Just realized i have one extra s

next: someone outside your office window

thanks for the pic of your network


i dont have an office window :frowning: what about just the opening for my “cubicle” …

These are the closest people outside my office window…see them way off in the distance in the infield?

I face Harlem Rd right by a bridge. I rarely see people. I would make someone go out there so I can take a picture but I am not really sure how to explain that one.

Heh. I’ll be out on Palumbo’s patio for the game this afternoon. I’ll wave!

Edit: Pettibones. Whatever.

Word. Bisons games usually drop my productivity by 50+%.
Next up: A bobblehead

Wow, I can’t believe with all the sports nuts in my offce no one had a bobblehead.

EDIT: I think I know where there is one but the girl is so annoying it’s just not worth going into her office to get a picture.

Reminder: Pic of a bunch of middle managers in a meeting with an upper level manager counts as a picture of bobbleheads. :tup:

agree with fry.

Next - Race number with some tim hortons logo near it