douchebag neighbor and property line/town law questions

lol you guys got me cracking up. :lol

Allstar Graphics, sounds like a good idea. I’m actually all set on the truck situation; I have a POS 89’ Chevy 2500 as the “around-town” vehicle. Plow my pool down and beeline straight to the fence.

On a more serious note, I’m trying to get in touch with some friends who supposedly know people (Let’s see what good that does) in regards to keeping my pool.

Basically with the fence … I just wanted him to continue the tall vinyl all the way down, and then connect it to the gate (Instead of ending the tall vinyl, and then have the fence go to my house [WTF?]:Idiots). I originally wasn’t making a big stink that he encrouched like 6" onto my property, because he was paying for the whole fence. Then he decided to put that stupid gate up that is touching my house, and that’s when it all went downhill. He continues to claim that his property is like 5" from my house. :eek3 … :crackup

I’ll be going to the town hall tomorrow to hopefully get a plot plan. I really don’t want to pay for a survey, but if he’s trying to make me loose/spend thousands with this whole pool thing for no good reason, then I’ll milk him for every penny I can. If that means I have to pay for a survey to prove him wrong, and rip up the whole fence (Which I believe was close to $2k to put in just down our property line) … well, let’s hope it doesn’t come down to it.

I just wanted him to fix the damn fence and leave me alone. This is unbelievably ridiculous.