absolutely. ;D
I wanna race someone tonight :ninja im leavin my place for the lot now…
pauls is up and runnin blown header gasket and all ;D
NO WAY, wanna race the jetta from a 5th gear roll bro HAHAHAHAHAHHAH
:stfu :gay
LOL i love going out on weeknights. Some nice runs tonight. :banana
Civic vs Suzuki z450
GSR vs. Suzuki z450
Silverado vs Suzuki z450
GSR vs. Civic :haha
Adam riding the quad back to the lot down 155 with a Trooper going the other way…priceless
im waiting til either fri/sat night til i come back out.
Hahaha, yeah that was fuckin great, good thing its all black, mother fucker didnt even see me :lol Oh and its a Z400 just ta let ya know…wish it was a 450 :sad
Week nights FTW!!!
Yeah but Im not ready to race just yet.
I should be out Friday but I dont know about Saturday.
faulty install…lol jk jk
oh word, idk my quads lol just bikes.
Aint no thang, i really should have bought the 450, but ill just put the extra 1500 into mine ;D
Yeah, it was a cheap junk one that came with the headers.
:lol It never ends for you man, that sucks pal. How’d it sound other than that though??
Other than the ticking from the leak it sounds pretty good. I didnt really get much of a chance to beat on it on the way home but its a little different than before.
If it wasnt for bad luck Id have no luck at all with this car.
k20 4 door > '08 335xi :ohnoes :nana ;D
you and travis race?
and uhhh…
04 sti > 07 mustang gt… rowed right by em. :crackup
I rowed by him out your back window :crackup :rofl
and no i brought my civic, raced the '08 BMW 335xi and got him by a small margin from a 30ish roll to about 120