The Official "Who's going to the lot" tonight Thread

Someone needs to get a canoe paddle so when you guys are racing you can literally “row” right past them… haha

ehh going fast and rowing through air at that speed with a 20+lb paddle would end up in probably some dents, scratches, and maybe some other broken things. :lol :ohnoes

but tonight was a good night, sprinkling here and there but it wasn’t bad.

video is uploading… :giggedy

yah def fun racing all the pr’s with the 92 civic si beater. :lol

can’t wait till i have a mid 14’s car to run 'em down with. :nod

I went with seitz and a few others to watch some races when travis left… not 5 minutes later after pulling into our spot (just me, seitz, and a few of our friends. nobody else) a bunch of ricers come piling in, doing donuts and other stupid shit about 10 feet away from brians car and mine. Needless to say we left. I went back later and they were all gone. Idiots :idiots Other than that I will have to agree it was a pretty good night.

without further delay, heres the video of the sti vs mustang…


didnt work for me, i may be retarded though.

Try youtube?

workin on it… streetfire sucks goatcock.

lets try photobucket…

Nice runs tonight :nod

Joey and John should run again…this time joey on spray…

  1. billy’s 335xi is fun to drive ;D

nice race travis, good to see the STI running well/better.

t3h tr00f

i did “air rowing” past them a few weeks ago, but that was in my friend’s 16-17 second civic, so it wasn’t really faster than many of them :lol

So Kramer, how do you fair against the 335xi???

i’d like to do it again with me on stickier tires and a better launch. and on spray. It’s a really good run, he was surprised.


Z400’s are turds! You need a 450 Man!

speaking about quads, I will sell ya one of these…

seem’s like Travis’s car is starting to run the way it should :crackup

O yah travis, when and if you upgrade your STI intercooler my cousins boyfriend wants to buy your stock STI intercooler off ya.

Yeah it was a good race…what shot are you going to be running?

Nice run Travis.

travs intercooler aint stock anymore and the sti topmount is gone