The Official "Who's going to the lot" tonight Thread

Shit I think my Hyundai could take most of their shitboxes. Im not trying that until I fix the fucked up axle/balljoint/whatever is blowing grease all over on the left front.

:benny :wave

prolly axle if theres grease all over paul

I couldnt see or feel a tear in the boot but I didnt have a chance to pull the wheel yet. Theres grease all over though.

Im thinking thats where the vibration might be coming from.

tomorrow night? whos goin? :nod

it can still leak out your vibe feels like wheel balance though only at mod speed if it was axle it would feel a lot diff

Ill hopefully get it all taken care of on my day off.

travis, car looks like its running good, put some race gas in it and see how she goes at the track.

its rainin it sux nones gonna be out

why is it raining all the time, this blows.

you guys dont even ride bikes,

imagine how much this sucks for me

who,s rolin in tonight?

I am, we all gonna go to O’tooles again? Bet that waitress loves us :lol

sounds good im meetin trav later at like 9-9.30 ish so ill call later

ya i’ll be there wit my broke ass :D:D ha

good ya never posted the pic from last week

Ill be at the lot around 10. Daily driver though.

why now ?

I havent fixed anything on it yet. Maybe next weekend Ill have it out.

I may or may not be there. I’m pretty beat.