The Official "Who's going to the lot" tonight Thread

he probably thought you were like 40 and would’ve took physical action on them…so they respected :rofl

well chances are i wouldve took physical action :bash

Tonight and tomorrow night seem to be like it’s going to be the same as last night :ponder

idk, we’ll see… :nod

Friday ill go to central then stop by exit 8 i live in Scotia so its a ride to exit 8 but if the peoples are there its worth the ride. Fridays looking good 50

yeah ill cruise up to exit 8 if others are going.

If we meet at 8 exit, im down…but if u guys meet on central again im gonna pass…gas add’s up but I will be on exit 8 at my girls anyways…

whose down for exit 8 P & R friday night??

supposed to rain the rest of the week

nah i don’t know about that paul, i just looked at the weather and they said, clear tonight, like 40% chance of A shower tomorrow, and friday same thing…i think we’ll be good

if it doesnt ran ill go where ever, doesnt matter to me

Yeah, if no rain i’ll even meet up with some people that are going to take RT7 to the Northway, at Mobil or something then go to exit 8

Ok so exit 8 P and R it is as long as the weather permits.

This for tonight?

i cant go out tonight, probably tomoro tho

Yes for tonight and tomorrow, weather permitting :nod

prolly gonna go too… we’ll see

what time is this? i will be drinking till 11ish probably, ill drive by on my way home

people usually show up around 9 i stayed last night until a little after 11

not Central Ave tonight Swift…exit 8

i’ll go around 9ish with Peter.

exit 8 off of 87??

blah, i wont be sober enough to drive that far… haha