The "Oil Prices" thread.

Very cool.

psh, they could give that shit away for free and still be in the green for another 30 years.
They light the shit on fire when they get mad at us :shrug:

Prices are headed even higher in coming days because of oil’s dramatic rally this week to a new record over $135 a barrel.

“We’re going to see some more significant increases here in light of what we’ve seen in the last few days,”

at least $5 a gallon by the end of June is my bet.

My dad makes boat canvas for a living. He just filled up his truck for $167. and that shit lasted him a day.
2500 dodge ram diesel. Diesel prices are $5.00 a gallon in the southtowns.

5.05 for Diesel at Mobil on Seneca St and OP road.

The gas station in Akron is $4.09 for regular :tdown:

any idea of rez prices?

lol its funny cuz its true. I can just imagine a bunch of them chillin around a camp fire, but instead of burning wood, they are burning crude oil, and laughing at the Americans for paying so much for it.


this blows.

nope I dont get rez gas. I dont care what people say…whenever I get gas anywhere on the rez, my car runs like shit, my mileage drops dramaticly, and it has like no power at all.

i honestly really wont really care until it hits about $8.00 a gallon.

what income bracket are you in?

my guess is $60,000+

Which is totally possible $200 a barrel possible in less than 6 months

putting the cost of gas at around… 6 -7 bucks

crime rates are going to skyrocket.

lol 60,000 to infinity is a big bracket. i’m in there too and im by no means rich.

crime rates will skyrocket

well i dont need to know exactly his income, its not my business.

im just trying to get a feel on how someone doesnt care about gas prices until they hit $8 a gallon .

my guess is he makes more than 60k a year. doesnt matter if he makes 65k, or 95k.

Its the people 50k and under that are getting hurt the most by this BS.

just paid $4.18 for 89. last fillup was 10 days ago…

One of the only good thing to come out of this is exposing the democrats for what they really are, Socialists!


Holy God why do people vote for these idiots?

You link was blocked at work but I found it elsewhere. :lol: