The "Oil Prices" thread.

What will the smell of burning clutch do to oil?

It takes the same energy to burn a clutch.:burnout:

your diffs are full of oil.



More effective than offshore drilling.
And still, chipping away at it is better than leaving it alone.

do you even know how to do one?? :gotme:


But not as effective as nuking China and India. That’s the only true solution to all our problems.


I agree, nuke china and india and then put birth limits on women in the US.

Nuke India…and get our phone tech support jobs back as well…

Or Do a Neutron Bomb and kill all living beings but will leave the buildings and not have the radiation issues.

The common perception of the neutron bomb as a “landlord bomb” that would kill people but leave buildings undamaged is greatly overstated. At the intended effective combat range (690 m) the blast from a 1 kt neutron bomb will destroy or damage to the point of unusability almost any civilian building.

How fucking great is it when a hurricane is in the gulf, still gaining strength, hitting Texas and the oil is STILL dropping. But speculators had nothing to do with that huge rise to $147 :roll:

Oil $126.60 -$1.82


wow how many days in a row has it gone down now? too lazy to look.

The funniest thing this week had to be speculators pushing oil higher before they even knew where the hurricane was going then finding out it wouldn’t effect oil much at all and the price falling. I’m sure some assholes lost some big money there. But not only did they push the price of oil up before supply was effected, they pushed it up before they even knew if the storm would even affect suppy.

The real good news is this serious drop in oil has restored some balance to the system because investors are realizing there is downside risk in oil. Than and the high prices actually have dropped our demand.

The big question is how much of the demand drop was people making changes that will last like downsizing cars versus changes that will stop as soon as the price drops like postponing trips?

exactly… was this a big enough wake up call to show soccer mom sally in her hummer that she doesn’t need that to get groceries? People who drive around huge trucks for a status symbol (or because the have small weiners) versus people who need them for work/their business… Without a change in behavior sooner or later we are going to be right back where we started… I’d say keep the price this high for awhile, BUT its affecting the costs of other products and generally making living more expensive.
I am very happy to see the prices coming way down, but I still hope people keep up the conservative attitude, and also the drive to find/test alternative fuels.

what about small weiners and small cars what does that mean…

small feet?


sry that I dont add anything to this post


This decrease should help as long as people spend the money saved in the right places. Instead of taking that vacation you have been putting off, spend it on something that will help the economy. Local business owners could use the extra money. We need to strengthen the dollar back up or else this will not last.

The dollar isn’t going to do shit until we start raising the key interest rate.