The "Oil Prices" thread.

Europe has insane gas taxes no?

yea they are. (R + M) /2


Nope. I’m pretty sure that me betting against you regarding anything financial will result in me buying the beer. :lol:

I wish every post in this thread was .25 cents off the price per barrel of oil.


I really wish we could attach a running / rolling price window to this thread… it would shave an easy 8 pages off of it.

.25 cents? why not 25 cents

that might take a while :ohyeah:

Oil $115.22 -$4.80

woot, woot. come to daddy.

wow. :tup:

another 2 cents!!!

Oil $115.20 -$4.82

boo yah

BTW, if you want to see the driving factor behind the recent drops…

i love the peso…


can we see 113 today ?

mehh, I doubt it.

My guess is that this week, you are going to see slower losses. If it goes down 1 dollar a day, this will be a good week.

edit: 1 dollar per day is good, but compared to a day where it closed ~-5, might not seems as good. As long as it doesn’t go up at all, it is a positive outcome.

Oil $114.20 -$1.00

wow i cant believe it esp. with that Georgia and Russia going on.

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