The "Oil Prices" thread.

can we see 75?

its up over $3 already today, so probably not.

futures are up already, stock market will likely rally today and crude oil will continue to rise.

^^ yep,

gas has already started to rise again locally and nationally.

You never know these days. The market was ok last thursday and at 230pm it went down 500 points. :lol:

…and we are almost to $85 already


You can get gas here in houston for 2.75 if you know where to look…otherwise its about 2.85 everywhere else…:slight_smile:

you two are little babies. Just wait until the market starts starts trading for the day.

why am i a baby? i stated a fact.

well it doesn’t change the fact that you are a baby…but we should all know this would happen. I am happy with mid 80s for oil…

smh gas should never be over $3.00 ever.
People who use home heating oil also shoulnd’t have to suffer so some southern fat business men can make 400% PROFIT.

People forget that profit is after everyone / everything is payed.

You are a fucking idiot. :banghead:

well your a bitch, a little bitch. I’m happy with mid 80’s as well.





ohs noes

Nymex Crude Future 80.44 -.75

Shut up virgin! Christ you suck so bad.
Did it ever dawn on you that you need because you suck?:spank:

Aw. You’re cute. Go marry the first girl that gave you the time of day tubby :slight_smile:

A for effort tho.