The "Oil Prices" thread.

I’m confused. Why are you people complaining that it is going down?

Weren’t we all complaining a few weeks ago that it was up above $100, causing gas prices to soar well past $4.00/gal?

EDIT: Not even TEN pages back, people are swearing at the prices being so high…

Because if it gets too low, OPEC will cut production, causing prices to go back up.

also, if prices at the pump get too low (barring any influence from OPEC), people will forget to be conservative with fuel, it also wont be as profitable for other R&D going on for alternative fuels.

I miss 25ish for crude and 1.00/gal. Those were the days. Although I did fill up for 2.99 on 93 Sunday.

+1 for what Evolve said. Gas price dips too low, people say OH! I can afford to fill up a 40 gallon tank every week, and buy a huge Ford Excursion as a daily driver because of dealers practically giving anything away that gets 2mpg and cue 4.50 again for gas.

So, what you’re saying is that it is going down too quickly and bringing way too much attention to itself. With that, the “Stay Green” campaigning that everyone is doing to “save the planet” will go right out the window with low gas pricing. Nobody will care about “Green” and alternative fuels will be “worthless” to people, since they can afford gas again. Am I close?

Also, didn’t one of the largest oil production companies in the word tell OPEC to go screw themselves, when asked to cut production? That’ll probably help it stay low, regardless of what OPEC says, right?

Essentially, we were all happy when the prices started to go down, but the “Go screw yourself OPEC” people could cause more bad than good?


That’d be fantastic. Let the idiots do it.

lol @ all of the people who complain about shit no matter what.

Enjoy the low prices while you can.

lets all not buy gas for a day

$66.57 -5.61

Less prices more kardashian.

what are you guys doing Saturday night? I know where im going:


i would love to take her temperature.

with my penis.


looks like its going to be a rough day for the market

Nymex Crude Future
63.72 -4.12

Oil falling after OPEC cuts production…yep, today is going to suck.

probably will be a selling hault

this country is fucked. God I am glad I moved when I did.