The Original ideas of shift. Oh, and the OP can't spell !

Snapshots/NEWSPAPER!!! lol/etc

Vlad get to work :smiley:

Last year i was hoping to see some of the stuff :’(

the day when you work two jobs, more than full time hours, go to school full time, deal with car issues and having 3 projects, and manage to try and run a newspaper and snapshots, feel free to come back and give us your input.

Thank you, fuck off, and have a nice day :):slight_smile:

Original, bitch

and I fixed your spelling. C’mon Jeff, you have nothing else to do right now, let’s use spellcheck !!!

And I’m so srs

still says orig anal

done and done

god damn jeff you suck


vlad is MAD BUSY, more than singh, and singh is the most busy person you know besides vlad… so stop giving him more pressure about BULLSHIT

btw… talking about newspaper, feel free to pay for the printing if you want it that badly…

everytime i talk to vlad hes working ! … everytime i drive by mobil hes there… and i geuss hes got another job too… plus he has to sleep too…

the ***** is busy !

Singh’s sig pic makes him look like the guy from Slumdog Millionaire…not Jamal…the other brother…Saleem

Gangsta gangsta…

LOL jammer’s mom was telling me to watch that movie… and i forgot the name now u just reminded me

saw it last night…was very good…was funny cause i walked in with n!cole and my yeti of a cousin and the place was filled with suits and ties…guess since the movie got nominated for all sorts of awards all these folks are now out to see it…don’t think they saw what they were thinking it was going to be…lol…much enjoyment out of this movie though…great story line and plot twists…2 thumbs up

i’ll have to go check it out then

+1 ive heard good things

Woah :rofl Jason dont be mad at me bc i got released to work b4 you :smiley:

Anyways, im just busting his balls bc i remember o… about everymonth saying the paper will be out next month :slight_smile: .

Fuck off jason :slight_smile:

just seen the title.
