Area 51 is a testing grounds facility for top secret aircraft. If we have contact with alien life, I highly doubt it is there.
Do I think we are the only life forms in this universe period? No. Do I think we are the only life forms in this galaxy? No. Do I think we are the only life forms within what you could call a standard travel distance? Yes. Do I think we’ve been and or are being visited by aliens? Yes.
A long time ago I read a study on what it would take to reveal the truth about any major pillar of belief to the human race. For any life changing alternative truth, it would take approximately 30+ years to acclimate the human race into a major change without causing mass riots and chaos.
This includes, financial truths, international policies, us not being alone in the universe, religious beliefs, and anything else that might turn someones beliefs upside down.
I wish I knew where I read that and had a link, but I do not. Eitherway, the human race now a days would handle the revelation of alien life, economic policies, and religious beliefs much better than it would 30+ years ago if it “just came out”.
Now not to get all types of off track, this is why I firmly believe there are things going on that none of us can stop or understand. This is why I believe 2012 (or sometime near then) will not be the end of the planet or our race. But I believe it will be a major shift in the human psyche. It better not be the end of the world. Because I will be pissed. That is when my Wifey graduates and I get to be a house man he bitch.
Why would 2012 shift the psyche? People have been guessing that the world is going to end are being wrong about it for as long as the world has been around.
Like a period of enlightenment. Or realization. People will hopefully pull their heads out of their asses around that time and what not. Just a hope.
You still have hope for humanity? :rofl
Well the way I look at it, unless there is a major shift in how we as humans think, we would never reach the type of society you see in Star Trek. Just sayin…
I’m hoping for mass suicides on 12/21/2012. Thin out the herd a little bit.
Georgia Guide Stones.
Only 500 million should survive.
Mass suicides ftw. Cheap ass estate sales. CHEAP SHIT.
Old VW van value will PLUMMET!