the return of the ... badazz ... SS??

yes, my master builder JnJ put it together, and my master installer/mechanic/fabricator badazz z/28 was key in getting it going. plus help from hawk, psycho, jeeves, turbo, and im sure others…

lets tune it, lets doooo it.

do it to it :tup:

garage, driveway, etc etc


I think there’s a problem with your car… it sounds like the idle is screwed up and you have one hell of an exhaust leak :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

agian, sounds BADASS man :tup:

Should be a monster!

A 1LE with a clean engine bay! whoohoo :wink:

Looks hott… lets see it in action post up some vidzzzz

Looks good except the valve covers.

:tup: looks good

:lol: I did manage to re-form those without leaking after he creatively bent them up haha

anal cleaning chuck come out for a visit