the return of the ... badazz ... SS??

lookin good

:eekdance: :headbang: :tspry: Its always worth the work when you see it start up that quick and be nasty


Yeah that water pump almost looks as good as mine. :wink:

3 years later lol


Don’t they make aluminum triple deck spoilers?

oh, thats APR.


Looks good. I can’t tell you what it is, or engine code, or displacement…but it looks killer.

APR makes chips, Adam :stuck_out_tongue:

u look like a fag

:tup: team badass, whos first on ur list.

BADAZZSS: well, king mark badazz, of course. bwa-hahaha.

true true… …

damn… lookin hawt :tup:

Nice i just got home from a few :tspry: runs :lol:

Very nice, god I love pushrods. :tup:

blang blang

time to get that dust collector out of the garage :tup:

just collectors suck, thats all my garage is…

bull shit i heard this car was a fantasy lol. ive read u been waiting congrats

you wear boots. it all makes sense now.

btw, very very very clean setup

:tup: to what I’m sure will be a sweet ass ride.

I just had to comment again that I love now nasty it sounds. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy.

Who did the Short-block/heads?

coffee-can-full-of-bolts idle… crunchacrunchacrunch

love it. sounds pissed.

Take a guess

Badazz SS are you ready to tune that beast tonight?