the return of the ... badazz ... SS??

it’s been down for awhile…

or, right click, save as…

looks slow

:word: v8s are slow and gay

was that collective soul?

Looks nice man, all forged bottom end?

ok, so wheres the turbo? why are there 2 valve covers? is it a boxer? and whats with everything being rotated 90* ? shouldnt the trans face out towrds the front wheels?

these pics just confuse me


home made plate for engine hoist?

looks … [must resist]… nice…

(actually looks like a pretty clean setup. :tup: )

sounds good. Wonder what it will put down.


I think something might be wrong with that motor.
Take it back

(looks awesome)


what’s a turbo? i don’t need no stinking turbo… and, a positive comment from newman?!? are we in the twilight zone? i’ve always loved the look of this car, now i might have the go behind the show…

the best part is, we started it last nite at midnight… let it run for just a couple minutes, and it woke up everyone on my block. lol

yep, all forged, 4 bolt main, almost ready to go… :tspry::tspry::tspry:

almost… special ordered piece thanks to bad azz z/28 - makes things a shit ton easier



omg i could rent the space in your engine bay as living quarters if i ever get kicked out of my current house

plasma on the fire wall, bed right next to the brake fluid res., nice little pimp area for banging chicks on the other side…complete with bean bag chairs and inscence.

serisouly though, looks sweet, i am jealous cuz my motor is not ready to go in, nor will it have as much room around it.

Mmmmmmmmm, choppy idle. Sounds great!

ummmm yeah. i bet you’re referring to the pics with just the motor in… that’s before headers, plugs, wires, radiator, coolant lines, accessories, brackets, battery, intake, wiring, and about 900 more components that make it impossble to work on. the radiator “angled” design actually takes up every bit of free space… which hopefully will be corrected for the new ones. we just wanted that pic up b/c it will be the only time u can see the nicely painted waterpump.

looks real nice man :tup:

very nice…sounds soooooo nasty.

wow man real clean :tup:

looks good. sounds good. :tup: