the rev al rant

I think the problem is that when an african american comic says “cracker” they are saying it to be funny. I honestly believe Imus is a biggot and believes that blacks are nappy headed and women are hoes. He has also complained about “jewish management” at cbs and that they are “money grubbing”. His show has been cancelled from MSNBC and I suspect that CBS is going to drop him in a week.

If you really feel that way about Chapelle and Rock, please, start a crusade. There are obviously others on this board and in this country that feel the same way you do.

Al Sharpton needs a real job… well, that is very true. I often think he and the NAACP are kind of like the abulance chaser lawyers that are just trying to cash in on something.

Again, my point is the intent of the comment. I haven’t heard Imus rip on elderly cowboy hat wearing radio hosts. This is the difference between comics like Rock, Chapelle, and Stern, and “comics” like Imus.