The sabres suck.

Then get out of Buffalo, if you hate it that much :gotme: If you’re out already :tup:

When we raise the cup, you will bow down to us :slight_smile:

heres what I see:
:cry:“wha whaaa Buffalo sucks theres nothing good about it here”

:headbang: enter a sports team that is doing well and waking the city up

:gotme:then lets complain and hope for something like that?

Go away. :gtfo:

yeah, I understand where your coming from

i only read the first post of newmans thread, but i agree wit the bANDWAGON SHIT
For all the BANDWAGONERS who missed it.

U sick fucker! I saw what it was and closed it imedately.

I saw that shit live, scarry as hell.

SIC FUCKER,hhahaha

What about those of us who watch hockey, and talk about hockey on a regular basis
Greir LOL
STFU, and go post something about it on myspace newb

obviously, i heart my sabres long time…die hard fan since section 17, row c seats 3 and 4 in the oranges wayyyy back when

do i hate the bandwagoneers? more than anything
do i get mad at them for talking about the sabres? NO…why?
wtf else do buffalonians have to talk in a positive stance about anymore? except the sabres and the bandits (but who cares about them anyways :stuck_out_tongue: ), everything is going down the shitter. taxes being raised, delphi getting ready to strike and/or shutdown, thousands of jobs being cut all over this city, rediculous debt and loss courtesy of our state government, and a football team that is going to beyond tank this year and then leave the city…that sound like better conversation over the water cooler?


id rather hear a bandwagon person talk about something positive in this city than anything else IMHO…this city needed some sort of pick me up in a big way especially with ralph wilson all but packing his bags for LA…

bandwagoners suck and are bad, but what the fuck else is there to praise in this city?

btw, grier is the fucking heart of this team…best penalty killer in the playoffs…and its great that he’s getting attention for it…

I agree with Newman on this. I have this old ass Barnaby jersey that I wear on and off. Last monday before the end of the Philly series, I made the mistake of wearing it out in public and I had conversations with about a dozen people that I would never ever consider having conversations with…and THEY started the jibba-jabba about the sabres. If I wasn’t a total dick, I would have just walked away…

On the bright side of this, one of those people was an incredibly hot chick who was way out of my league and she broke the ice with me. Kinda cool

danny briere - white guy, captain

mike grier, black guy, i believe he is also french canadian, not sure. hes been good to us lately too

I enjoy few things besides cars and skateboarding. hockey is one of them. played it my whole life, plus I’m a big fan

i dun see nuttin wrong wit dat

Buffalo needs this, they need a Stanley Cup win. This place will go into “Fear For Your Life” if they do succeed because people won’t know what to do. I firmly believe it’s something that can turn this place around and head it in the right direction instead of where it’s going. Normally I would agree, the bandwagoners are shitty, hell, I am one of them rooting for the Sabres but I will never have the right to call myself a “Fan” since most of the time, I couldn’t care less if they won or lost. It’s a positive thing to believe in and it’s good that it’s attached to Buffalo. For that reason I am happy for them.

Studies show that if you don’t watch sports, it’s probably because of three reasons:

  1. You had no fatherly figure in your life
  2. You have a father but he is a pussy
  3. You are gay

Out of the hundreds of cities in the US and Canada, we are lucky enough to be 1 of the 30 cities to have a team, and soon to be 1 of only 4 cities on the planet to have a team still alive, how is this not exciting?! :gotme:

I’ve been a Sabres fan from day 1, But I welcome the bandwagoners – its a looooong season, I don’t expect EVERYONE to be crazy interested in what the Sabres are doing when there is still 60 or 70 games left in the season~! GO SABRES

hey i been a heavy leafs fan for a long time…then they lost all my players i liked and lost respect for them when they got belfour cuz i hate him. but i been a sabers fan and tend to watch hockey alot sense i played a good 14 years of it.

side note: stfu newman before i kick u in the kidney HAHAHAHHAAH

I think everyone in this city is just sick of 4 superbowl losses in a row, 2 hockey letdowns in the last 20 years… and us NEVER winning.

Sure, we havent won yet, and it may just be 3 hockey losses… but, the prospect is there, and the team is really playing incredibly!

I stopped watching hockey 3 years ago, but damned to hell if I will miss any of these games! I went to one, game two of the first series… and it was the best hockey game Ive ever seen!

So, I am excited that our city may actually win something!

It also is bringing us together finally, as most of us just trot along being antisocial retards because of the computers that surround us… I’m glad people ask me if I watched the game, and I say “Hell yea!”

Oh well… Sorry you dont enjoy the fun Newman. Go drive your lotus and STI, you bastard!!! :slight_smile: To each his own.

FYI. Playoff hockey >>>>>> regular season hockey.

This alone attracts most of the BW’s.

Then Buffalo finally does well at something…well you see where I am going.

Newman - Shut the fuck up.

See you saturday :wink:

But seriously, shut the fuck up.

im not a huge fan but playoff hockey is very exciting, im loving it

EDIT: i played hockey since i was like 11/12 so i really have a love for the game, this stuff is as good as it gets, the new rules really make the game a blast to watch

(minus the see you saturday)

I need somone to stop the BANDWAGON, I wanna get off. JJ, the sabres are gonna kick there ass at home in front of there fans. Its gonna suck to be a ottawa fan on sat. night and see your team get there ass kicked at home, hoping to go all the way.