The sabres suck.

Its such a horrible thing for people to be excited about a team thats doing successfull…who cares if people dont know much about hockey…theres nothing negative about people supporting their local team even if their not expert hockey fans.

the only bandwagon fans that should be hated are football fans…I mean, hockey, baseball, basketball all have so many fucking games it’s a 2nd job to follow a team closely. But football, I mean come on people, it’s 16 fucking games…

Haha… I hate to say it. But I agree there… It is difficult for anyone but the diehard fans to stay motivated through a full season.

On the flip side… The band wagoners do aggrevate me as well. I have been behind the sabres all the way. I also watch the Amerks too see how our young guys are doing.

And you know what… This is good for not only the city, but the team, and the sport overall. I think this spring, you’re seeing a lot of people turned onto a game they didn’t know about. Why? because the NHL has become so god damn exciting since they changed the rules.

And the bandwagon is not as big this year as other years anyways. Attendence was at a record high for basically all teams this year. And It is likely to be even higher next year due to the successes this year.

you take hate to a new level

i mean i hate lots of things but you’re like

<— searching for metaphor

he’s like BurgerMeister MeisterBurger

add me to the list of die hard fans forever…(i miss the patty la-la days :frowning: )

this team is fun to watch, and fun to talk about because it’s something the whole city has in common…i agree with previous statements that this is exactly what the city needs…it’s a confidence booster that many residents need…

also on a side note…what’s up with all the hypocrites in here saying how much they hate bandwagoners…aren’t you just hoping on the “i hate bandwagoners” bandwagon yourself? i’d personally rather be on the “go sabres!” bandwagon than the “i hate bandwagoners” bandwagon myself…lucky for me though i’m not on either, i’m a real fan :tup:

fuck the bandwaggoners, i have a playoff beard.

As do I, the shit hurts so fuckin bad on my neck, i just keep scratching the fuck out of it.

^ see guys, there’s a real fan.

my beard is past the itching stage. it’s soft now. i just shave my moustache. it’s blonde and serves no purpose other than making me look like a wigger.

Clint has more sack than anyone I know. :tup:

the only time i can sit down and watch hockey is when the sabres are in the playoffs, or its the finals.

i hope for them to do well thorughout the year, but dont get pissed if/when they loose
since i’m not a real fan. I dont jump up and down about how great they are either.
playoffs or not.

alot of you guys missed my point. I genuinely hope the sabres do well. I also hope that it makes people happy, boost commerce, all the positive things from above.

The other day someone asked me if i was growing a playoff beard. I was so confused WTF they were talking about. This is the first i have heard of such a phenomenon and it’s the dumbest idea i have ever heard.

That said, I don’t actually hate anyone (well, besides minorities and women, obviously). I feel the same way about these faux-fans as i do about the chick putting her makeup on while driving. The guy who doesn’t hit his wife, and the fat black guy at panos last night with the moto ROKR playing fucking “we be burning” through his speaker phone in the booth behind me while i was trying to enjoy my overpriced hummus and pita at 12:15AM. I don’t want them to die in a fire, just a quick painless smothering.

The one exception to this rule is as follows:
Anyone driving any american made (domestic) automobile, i hate with the fire of 1000 suns. I am sorry that your mother didn’t love you enough, but that is no reason to rush out and by some weak-ass vette or dumbshit camaro.

That is all.


side note… I do have a beard growing… but only because I was running late and couldnt shave this morning :stuck_out_tongue:

i hate that people spend as much time talking about the games as i spend
trolling online car forums :smiley:


I’m confused, the title of this thread says that the Sabres suck but this has really nothing to do with the Sabres as a team but the bandwagon fans?

Every team in every sport that makes it to the playoff or finals have bandwagon fans.

If your a true fan you know it and thats all that matters.

Go Sabres.

Step one: dust off your brain
Step two: open your eyes
Step three: go impress somone with some sick dometic muscle
Step four: try and think
Step five: read
Step six: then, and only then, open your mouth (or in this case, type)

jeez, I didn’t even see that post and I got the point. lol

My 2 cents…

I jump on the bandwagon when a team plays well.
Why the fuck would/should I support a bad team?
It’s not like the Sabres are my alma mater or family or friend or Neighbor.
Let’s say I am a big Tim Burton fan and he puts out a bad film should I pay to see it just because I am a fan even though I know it is a bad film in advance?
Pro sports = entertainment
If you want to really support “Buffalo” then go to a BPO performance they are excellent everytime.:wink:

full-contact BPO FTW!!!
