The sabres suck.

a good team thats about to get swept out of the 2nd round :eekdance:

false. no one is better than me.
and if you actually talked to me at carlisle, you would know how awesome i am.

lol this reminds me of the first time i ever talked to newman…

i dont know how the conversation started, but this part comes to mind when i read posts like this…

me - you into that B.T.Y. stuff too? straight edges 4L kinda thing…

newman - no not really, do you even know what BTY stands for?

me - yeah

newman - yeah that’s not really me…i’m not an asshole

lol there he is saying he’s not an asshole, and he’s not part of that “better than you” crowd…

i guess what he forgot to mention at the time that the exception comes into play when dealing with people that disagree with him, drive an f bod, or a vw/audi… :lol:

im not a regular asshole. im just a sarcastic bitch.


i agree with newman on that fact that 90% of the girls did jump on the band wagon and now the sabres are there life. the true fans are the ones like the people that are on this website and have been posting in the sabres thread since game one. i myself have only missed 4 games this year and thats including the Non Telivised games because i was @ those :slight_smile:

ive always been a sabres fan and always will be. and skunk was right about the sheilds jersey…lol

any one rember when he pounded the piss out of garth snow? ahahahaha i was @ that game it was amazing!

No I didn’t think that you were awsome, only your car.

And if you knew who I was then you would know I’m not some domestic thug.

exactly, i have no idea who the hell you are. if you are cool, you probably just laugh about internet hate like i do.

at any rate.

i watched about 1/2 the third period of that last game. it was pretty intense. but i am still not planning on watching anymore games, but i can see what the hype is about. lol.

I think its funny because you guys did talk at carlisle…I saw it :lol:

edit: waiting for Newman to wear a sabres jersey :lol:

i really dont think its a big deal about bandwagon fans. yeah it happens, who cares. the true fans know who the bandwagoners are.

OBVIOUSLY the farther a sports team goes into the season/playoffs, the more people will be following it. if u dont like the sabres, or sports, or fans, or youre the biggest queer/metro/emo bytch alive, then STFU.

newman, you’re just a lost soul, u crave attention in any way possible, and u like to make it look like youre smarter or better than everyone else, also in any way possible. why u need to make it a point in every post of every thread blows my mind.

im not one of the “regulars” who hangs out and makes friends from forums… so PRAY i dont see u out one day, because the idea alone of how much u act like a jackass and a “tough guy” on the net, is enough to make me destroy u. think its stupid for me to want to fight u for no reason? i think its stupid for you to be the biggest flamer ever, yet u keep doing it.

go sabres!!!

HAHAHHAHAHAHA youre quite possibly the dumbest person here!

I owe you a trophy or a bass or something…

either you owned both of them or they’re putting on a show and neither one of us see it. lol

now thats comedy

every fucking house i deliver food to during a game, and sometimes even not during a game, says “oh man we’re up by 2!” or “how bout them sabres doin pretty good eh?” ect ect. im fuckign tired of it. when i tell them i could give two shits they look at me like i have a fucking arm growing out of my forehead. ya. im the freak.

try this though. if there is ever a conversation going on you dont like, or none at all, say " so how bout that local sports team?" works everytime.

and dont even get me started on the beard thing. i grow a beard because i hate shaving and think i look better with one. not because of a local sports team.

maybe if i shaved, i wouldnt have people bothering me all the time about the sabres…

newman likes to pour the haterade, whatever, it’s cool. if i sat at a desk all day i’d probaly do the same thing. that’s beside the point. the point is badAZZss, is going to fight him over iNtErNeTs drama. wow, what a big man.

if i ever see “u” out, i will be sure to remove my hat and lay whatever jacket i have on over a puddle, just so “u” don’t “destroy” me.

drop the tough guy act and chill out dude. you’re not impressing anybody but your biceps.

its the fucking internet. grow the fuck up.

are you really that unaware…

you act like internet tough ass.

make me destory youuuuuuuuuuuuu
