the second thing that pisses me off tonight

I was hoping it was a group of lesbians actually talking about football, not how cute the quarterback is.

This is why everybody should have lesbian friends. They don’t fuck around.

lesbians suck

not cock.

haha the obvious right there

Maybe they are into cars but are putting money elsewhere (school, house…LIVING). I’m only bothering to call you a crotch because it beats submitting my physics homework.

And lesbians edit: DEFINITELY suck. How else would I have met Don Paul!?

hahah there is a group of girls here in customer service that talk, or at the least try ot talk, sabres. It drives me banana-samich!

in fact anything that comes out of these girls mouth’s makes me, and everyone around me, a little bit more Jeg-like.

My g/f is on this forum for strictly the off topic, thats its.

She is also on honda-tech for the same reason.

i used to know a girl who was “really into the sabres” in fact she actually watched them quite a bit.

so we went to a game, and she started to look confused after the whislte would blow. turns out she couldnt understand the concept of:

leaving the penalty box
changing on the fly

it made it so hard to talk sabres with her afterward cuz she really did want them to win but to not understand the mechanics of something you seem to dedicate time to is hard to grasp for me.

same thing with cars. to like cars but then not to try to understand how they work…i cant grasp it. cuz then i start to think females who are “into cars” really only care about what cars OTHER people like, or what might look pretty or have a hig price tag. which i have come to learn is fine…it is just a different level of enjoyment. i personally feel is a waste of time if you dont try and understand how something you like works.

not to be a dick…but how can u say a girl doesnt know what shes talking about when you admit you dont know much about the same subject…was all that u heard was that a QB is good and cute

Maybe you missed the part where she mentioned his passer rating and completion percentage in 3rd and short situations and went straight to “…and he’s got a great ass” part? :stuck_out_tongue:

I also can’t figure out why the hell there are non-car fans on a car website.

Well put:tup:

i know girls who know alot about sports, and i know guys who pretend to know alot about sports. it works both ways…


I agree with that. There are a lot of girls who know what they are talking about with sports. Granted, most of these are older women, not the young 20 year olds but hey, such is life.

Sand + Vagina

Find some water to rinse it out. :tup:

hahaha, 2 friends of mine (according to them) served Don Paul a shot of urine at Roxy’s. Guess he was being a c-sucker so they bought him a shot of “tequilla”

Horrifying and funny at the same time

edit: oh, and cars suck… fuck cars

:lol: or cooking.

fuck … i would have gone over and lambasted them about their outfits

seriously … i know how to do that …

haha!!! I don’t know why he frequents Roxy’s. I’m Not sure if he has been lately.