the second thing that pisses me off tonight

at work tonight 3 or 4 girls were talking football.
I hate that. And i hate overhearing it.
I don’t know much about football, but please girls, you don’t know what you are talking about.

I don’t like when girls talk about sports or cars or other manly activitys, it bothers me.
just stop and go back to talking about clothes or something.

let the hate begin

thats when you get a friend and go stand by them and talk make-up and hair :gay: :gay:


Id love to see You in a football conversation with my wife. :mamoru:

I think youre mad because the girls sound MANLIER than you do…and that makes you feel a little gay… ARE YOU GAY?


edit: fixed

You don’t like when girls talk about cars?

meh, overall… i hate it when people start talking about things that they don’t know about. i don’t care what their sex is. still hate them.

Do you work at Roxy’s or something?

i hate people that are not even into cars who are on a car forum.

Just because I haven’t put extravagant amounts of money into an economy car doesn’t mean I’m not a car fan.

who said i was talking about you?

because if your not, your not talking to anyone…your not pleasing the one seeking attention

Maybe he’s talking about me.

there are a lot of people on this forum who are not even into cars. i can see off topic forums and shit but why be on a car forum if your not into cars?

My name is Dawn.
I’m into cars.
Really into cars.
I just don’t know how to fix them.
I guess I don’t like cars then.

There are A LOT of people on this forum that type “alot” but I’m not a crotch about it.

So you decide to punish NYspeed’s bandwidth with a thread about it !?!?


i didnt point fingers or say any names. i said i just dont like people that are on a car forum and not into cars.


i work at a Toyota dealership.
But um…

When a conversation goes…
“Yeah their quarterback is like ummm soo good… oh he’s so cute too.”
It just aggervates me.

i didnt say it was anyone in this thread. i just said i hate that people sign up for a car forum knowing its a car forum and are not even into cars.