so the sq1 meet and cruise john set up was really good. thanks
anyone here take any pics of the cars? my camera was full and couldn’t take any.
very good turn out i got to say.
pics and comments.
The meet was really good, considering the weather. It was quite a good turnout for a rainy day. I really enjoyed the meet, since this is first one I have attended in the past 3 years. Nice to meet new people and keep the 240 alive.
First big meet i’ve gone to and wow, quite the turn out. Seeing everybodies cars was great. But all those SR’s… I really need a turbo
for all the guys that showed up, the turn out was good, but could have been twice as good if more of the senior guys showed up.
we should ALWAYS meets in the underground parking i think, because it has rained a couple of times during these meets.
plus just the word underground is super JDM since they ut it in the title of need for speed eh? yeah i think so too.
so what happened after Zet’s?
someone had to get arrested… come on.
I left before zet’s, it was too damn cold and my friends and I were freezing and getting soaked, ontop of that I had no money for gas and I was basically on empty Was a good turnout while I was there, I came and there was one other guy then everyone else starting coming. Thanks to all the assholes who drove past and never came back, we saw you were not stupid!
Yeah the meet was fun and I’m with bing on the “underground” thing.
Anyway Ryan, I posted a bunch of pic’s in the meet thread so you can check them out there.
Have a good one.
Easy 8)
You should have stayed bing no one got arrested :), The meet was
amazing got to meet alot of good guys hopefully going to meet more next
meet. Some nice cars out there, awesome meet john! even if they
weather wasn’t to great :x
Post those pics and possibly videos? :lol:
wicked meet boys and girls … thanks for the cake john… . . . . nice meeting all you new kids… Bruce i hoped u liked my purple underwear/pants dropping fiasco, ur gay u know it … skyline guy, ur slow, good time still…gonad, i pictured a hardcore geek before i met u, thanks for confirming …all in all the meet was sick
hopefully we get get something setup for kitchener soon
Hector; nice meetin you. You confirmed being a thug online as much as in
person. Unless that bandana around your neck was just for show.
Talk to skyline guy’s dad about being slow.
no one brought a good camera… looks like alll camera’ phone pictures in the other thread.
:lol: , well no I used my digi cam that’s built in to my camcorder. What do you expect for a 1 mega pixel set in low light.
Hector if your commenting on my dad being slow well … haha i pressed
the ac off by accident and all the windows fogged right up :roll:
anyone else take some more pictures?
Good times. Besides the rain and cold it was a great turn out, tons of sweet rides. When I got home my clothes were soaked all the way through ahah. Anyways good to see everyone out there!
Ed chow had his SLR, we’ll have pics up eventually.
currently re-sizing… good meet… could’ve been drier and warmer :o
i spent as much at zets as i would at mandarin and i still went home hungry. great meet even tho i came late
^__^ nice to meet some of u… didnt get to say hi to everyone… il post some pics of wat i took… kinda dark tho >< small flash
the pics are looking nice :).
so many bad ass 240sx.
nice to meet most of you guys