The Tesla Roadster: Electric and FAST

"With one moving part in the motor, no clutch, and two gears, it’s not only a joy to drive, but to own as well. There is no motor oil to change; no filters, belts, or spark plugs to replace; no oxygen sensors to mistrust before an emissions test — in fact, no emissions test required ever. Other than inspection, the only service we recommend for the first 100,000 miles is brake and tire service. "

Thats my kinda maintanence

Here is a quote from a recient blog of theirs

“We chose to make a sportscar first because we can justify the relatively high price of new technology from a new company by also offering great performance. $89K – $100K is reasonable for a sportscar that performs as ours does. We also felt that an electric car with phenomenal performance is just the ticket to polish the EV image so tarnished by the half-hearted EV efforts of the big guys in the ’90s.
Of course we know that to make a big dent in oil consumption and CO2 production, we need models that are useful and affordable to more people. But we just can’t start out that way. All I can say to you who ask for more seating, lower prices, and other features is be patient. We will introduce the cars you want as quickly as we possibly can. This will not be as quickly as you or I would like, because developing a new car takes time and money. For those of you who need a bigger car for less money: If we could make the car you want for a price that works for you today, we would!”