that is why it say equivalent trust me i know this thing doesnt use gallons cool-aid to run.
and only 250 a lil my car can do almost 2x that on a full tank, no DUH lets not get into prices./
250/charge sounds fine to me…what do you want? 1000 miles/charge? It’s not a fucking semi-truck
Around 100K from what I read in a published article.
on cbs right now
I read an article about the tesla in the new WIRED. Uses Laptop batteries over conventional led acid & nickle hydryde batteries.
The guy had to sign a no poaching agreement because he hired so many people from lotus. they thought he was stealing all their engineers. Lotus still builds most of the car.
Estimated sales price at 85k. nothing for the Tech of this roadster.
They are also working on an electric sedan.
Tup to silicon valley car manufacturers.
my paper quoted $100,000
I put a reply in another post but I thought this could warrent its own thread. I just stumbled across these, they looks like an awesome deal and If I had the money I would definately buy one. The performance, styling, and fuel economy is all there. If they can bring the price down I think fully electric cars is the way to go. 0-60 in 4 seconds, top speed of 130+, 250 mile range, 2500lbs with all the weight over the drive wheels… sounds amazing to me!
The major thing that worries me (and maybe this is just a personal thing) is the fact that if you want/need the vehicle serviced, you have to send it to one of their service centers “for a nominal fee,” unless you live within 60 miles of one of their service centers (California, NYC, Miami and Chicago), which I don’t and most likely never will be. Granted, they do claim that you shouldn’t have to service your vehicle very often… but it’s not the planned services that I’m worried about.
You’ll also pay an extra 8k to order one if you aren’t in those areas. That’s not a BIG deal, but an inconvience for sure.
Also, in the FAQ it says that it “basically” uses a regular outlet to charge… but then it says you need a qualified technician to install the “easy-to-use” charging unit in your home. I’d like to see how “easy to use” it was before I committed to one.
I wonder if NYS still has the $3k electric car rebate? that might offset the cost a bit.
also this car was built using Laptop batteries. I wonder how they hold up to Heat.
with all that composite body parts. Is this the next Fiero DIAF car?
that thing looks wayy to much like an elise. mirrors are they exact same, the interior looks to be very similar too, as does what you can see oft he ass end
cool car for sure tho
well this is supposed to be comperable to a ferrari, lambo, lotus… you don’t see many of those dealers around do you? yea the charger system seems stupid if you have to have an electrician to install it… although if you can afford the car it won’t be more, i’m sure engineering will come up with a better solution when the car launches early next year
^^^ Except its not comparable to ferrari lambo, lotus…
It may go 0-60 in 4 seconds but I have a sneaking suspicion that a honda accord may beat it to 100.
Plus I very much doubt you will get more than 20 miles out of the thing if you drive it with any “spirit”
Oh I def. agree. If you are dropping that much money into a vehicle the extra charges to ship it in to get serviced, etc, probably aren’t a big deal. However, if you can affod this car and all those extra charges…are you really worried about paying for gas? So why not get a more convienent gas-powered vehicle in the same price range?
Well, it makes a whole lot more sense than the EV1.
- They’re charging enough that they’re probably making money (Didn’t someone say $80k).
- They’re not marketing it as a daily driver replacement.
But because of those two things, it will never make any difference in our oil dependancy. Basically it’s just a toy for eccentric people to buy. Hey, sounds like the EV1 (but at least the automaker isn’t subsidizing this toy).
Accords do 12 second quaters now?
Besides, max torque at 0 RPM, 0-60 in 4 seconds, a 1/4 mile under 12 seconds, all in a nice looking, maneuverable vehicle? And priced competitively within its class? It’s not even an exotic like a Bentley or Aston-Martin.
"With one moving part in the motor, no clutch, and two gears, it’s not only a joy to drive, but to own as well. There is no motor oil to change; no filters, belts, or spark plugs to replace; no oxygen sensors to mistrust before an emissions test — in fact, no emissions test required ever. Other than inspection, the only service we recommend for the first 100,000 miles is brake and tire service. "
Thats my kinda maintanence
Here is a quote from a recient blog of theirs
“We chose to make a sportscar first because we can justify the relatively high price of new technology from a new company by also offering great performance. $89K – $100K is reasonable for a sportscar that performs as ours does. We also felt that an electric car with phenomenal performance is just the ticket to polish the EV image so tarnished by the half-hearted EV efforts of the big guys in the ’90s.
Of course we know that to make a big dent in oil consumption and CO2 production, we need models that are useful and affordable to more people. But we just can’t start out that way. All I can say to you who ask for more seating, lower prices, and other features is be patient. We will introduce the cars you want as quickly as we possibly can. This will not be as quickly as you or I would like, because developing a new car takes time and money. For those of you who need a bigger car for less money: If we could make the car you want for a price that works for you today, we would!”
Geez guess I should have bought an Accord. :lol:
Sounds like a big part of their plan is missing.
Step 1: Build impractical expensive electric sports car that only a few people will buy.
Step 3: Build practical and cheap electric cars that lots of people will buy. Profit.
What was step 2 again? Reminds me of the under pants gnomes in south park.
But, :tup: to them for trying it. Lets hope if it fails because they just can’t turn a profit they don’t get bashed for being run by the oil companies. :roll:
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