The top three things our generation would regret?

In your opinion, what is the worst 3 things relating to health that our generation (current teenagers to early 20s) does that will effect us the most in the future?

I guess for people in this age range, post things you do and for people who have past it, post up things you see.

Three things I do are:

  • Loud music and being glued to headphones
  • Addiction to cell phones and wireless technologies
  • Eating mass produced foods out every day instead of healthy organic foods

-Tats on girls. They’re so prevalent now, and the vast majority you know that they’re going to look at them when they’re married and have a kid and just give the self-:picard:
-Texting/IMing/E-mailing. No one has the balls to say anything remotely confrontational face to face, or even on the phone any more. When they’re forced to, its super awkward or they just avoid it.
-Staying home and doing things virtually, via video game or whatever, instead of going out and doing them in real life. We’re all victims of this.

Binge Drinking
Careless Sex

1 - Be Fat
2 - Not eat whole foods, or even cook
3 - Spend more time “socializing” digitally than in real talking, be it on the phone or face to face.

Being a fat ass that can’t walk 5 feet without being winded
eating $hit food
Oh, and Boxxa’s mom for not being on birth control
the fact that kids now are a bunch of oversensitive bitches that are more emotional then a pregnant chick

careless sex
young sex
many partners

Spending so much money on useless stuff (cars, toys, phones, ipods, $85 jeans…)
Being dependent on electronics (phones, computers, anything digital)

that’s pretty much it.
people are such whores these days.

yeah, that WILL bite us in the ass one day

*Your mother not aborting you
*Your parents teach you to use the internet
*Mods not banning your stupid ass

That isn’t going away…

Being dependent on the latest technology isn’t generational…

in a situation where, god forbid, a large enough solar flare hit us, it’s very very possible to knock out most of the worlds communications

People should be more dependant. I’m pissed at how many computer idiots there really are in this world. computers are or will be the most powerful thing on the planet and they are sooooo under utilized.

i think that every generation lol… 60’s… check. 70’s… check. 80’s… check. 90’s… check (plus grunge rock)

^^ x2 i know i fall under that time and time again.

Anal sex… male and female… these kids dont know what kind of toll their rectums are taking…

sad how people don’t learn from other people’s mistakes huh?

Yes, this hasn’t been around for thousands of years…

It was a joke and obviously its a little more of a common practice than the last few centuries
