The Toronto Autoshow

(mods if you feel this is the wrong forum, please move it)

Ok, so I am starting to plan out my trip to the Toronto Auto Show for this year (Feb. 16th-27th for those who didnt know). I’m looking at thier website, and they have a 2-day pass available. I have never been before, so my question for those who have went before, is it worth getting the 2 day pass and staying over somewhere? we’re probably going to want to take out time and walk though, see everything and take lots of pictures, and don’t want to end up pressed for time. In doing this, is it still possible to see everything in one day? I know its obviously not like the Buffalo show where you can be in an out and see everything in 2 hours (lol). if anyone has recomendations of hotels to stay at (reasonably priced and somewhat within walking distance) that would be much appreciated as well. Thanks for any input!


you can make it through in 1 day … not 22 hours, but a full day up there. I went up on saturday last year and got a ton of pictures and saw everythign they had.

nm… I went last year and I thought it was beat

You only need one day for this show. First year I went, I took a while to walk the show show. after that, you can hit the whole show (and take pictures) in about 5-6 hours at a casual pace.

It is worth taking the trip to it though if you don’t get to hit the Detroit Auto Show.

Some pics from the past few years:




yea one day shows fine mike if u want a ride iam going the 21st. i think u have my number call/text me if your interested

im going tomorrow and this thought just occurred to me: do they let you bring cameras in or do you have to have some kind of media credentials? what about bags/backpacks? I have a backpack/camera bag thing that has my camera stuff in it that i would be taking with the camera. sorry for the short notice info request.

They are fine with cameras. I had media credentials, but only grabbed a one day pass. No questions asked when I was taking pictures. People were walking around with backpacks too. I would pack light since you are going to be doing a lot of walking.

i ended up taking my camera and a backpack and it all worked out good. took a ton of pictures, saw a lot of good cars, and as soon as photobucket stops being retarded, i’ll upload and post some of the pics.