Toronto Auto Show 2008 Pics

Went to the Toronto Auto Show yesterday. I didn’t know it was a Canadian holiday. It was packed.

But we got 600+ pics from the show. Some sweet concepts there too.

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Some samples


nice pics :tup

i’ll be there saturday with IKSHO89 and cky89…hopfully we can snap some good pics.

All I can say is try to time your travel at the bridges. We went over around 11am and no wait. We came back around 8pm and no wait. But traffic in the opposite direction was lenghty.

The show was better this year than last. I’m pissed that I missed the Mazda concept. So get some good pics of it for me.

nice, get to see it all sunday

what’s that pontiac thing? yuck

i see you had similar issues i had where it was impossible to get any pictures

It was packed. Last year we went on a weekday and we had tons of room. It was a Canadian holiday, which we didn’t know.

But we did get press passes, so if we wanted to, we could get behind the ropes and get shots, but we really only did that for Ferrari.

we went opening day which was flag day. certain areas were packed some were not.

Nice pics, looks like a good show

Big :tup: to the Vette.

stupid “Family Day” wtf Canada

When driving home all the major stores were closed. WTF? Leon’s, Ikea, Staples, etc. That’s why there were 8 kazillion cars coming back into Canada at night since stores in the US were open.
Literally 3 minute wait going in, and NO wait coming back. Was awesome.

The Vette was pure sexiness…
I’m still not a fan of the hood bubble. If I owned one of those, I’d get a different hood.

my cousin(illusion20), josh(lafengas) and i should be there sunday. we are doing a carpool if anyone wants to caravan up there

should be fun

What is this ?

customized Pontiac Solstice

I went up on Monday as well. The one car I wanted to sit in and check out, the G8, F’ING locked:wtf::wtf::wtf: The car did look very very nice, the 19’s fit it perfectly, it had a nice profile from all angles, I want it. I was talking with the guy who was standing next to it from GM, he says it’s locked because it is a pre production model, they don’t want anything happening to it:rolljerk::rolljerk::rolljerk::rolljerk::rolljerk:. I told him I just sat in a 180K dollar R8 and some 30K Pontiac POS is locked, :wtf:. This is a car I would/can afford, not a $250K Maseratti. As I was looking at the car, people kept coming up to it, wondering what it was, thinking it was FWD, stupid to not have it open. I would have thought that with what happened with the GTO, they would practicaly be offering bj’ers to get people interested in the damn car. I was suprised when I said that I wanted the Sportwagon in the worst way but it was axed and the rep said it was not axed, but it is going to be a bit before it is here. I am still skeptical to say the least

Headed up there today … here are my pics:

Show was decent this year, and yea, a lot of unlocked cars that really shouldnt have been. And sitting in the R8 > *

nice pics