The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

I listened to NPR for over 6 hours a day (mixed with BBC programming) for over 3 years. They are most definitely NOT center. This election coverage has been biased from the start. When you have reporters reporting news with a spin or with their interpretation of the event, how is that objective journalism? It’s not. When you call the majority of Trump supporters Alt-Right (NeoNazis,Sexist etc) that is not objective at all.

Yes, I think it was an idiot moment for Trump to even care about the inauguration numbers comment but it was a setup from the start. My issue is not in actual numbers, I don’t give a shit if there were more people watching Obamas speech but all these news reporters jumping on and calling it terrible “falsehoods” is just moronic. I watched the inauguration live, the picture comparison that all the stations ran with were in favor of Obama on purpose. It wasn’t an issue of camera angles, it was clearly comparing Trumps attendance way before the actual speech. When I was watching live, there were no gaps anywhere, the whole place was packed and the angle was from the rear overhead.

The whole tax release thing is also stupid. Even talking about it as an issue is stupid. It says nothing about whether you can trust him or not. If that’s how you judge people, I feel sorry for you. Taxes were never about anything substantial, if you did an up and down poll across the whole country to what people care about, tax return would be at the very bottom. The only reason you hear anybody ever talk about them is because it’s one way that in normal election cycles the establishments drives away the outsiders. The Washington politicians structure their lives and wealth etc. to reflect well on taxes, an outsider like Trump would naturally not do that and his taxes would be made out to show a “bad” man. But wait, so would yours, so would mine, and so would any other businessman especially a very wealthy one.

If I am just pulling things out of my ass, then tell me, when was the last time we had a nonpolitician become President? CEO? Businessman? Inventor? Instead you have community organizers and career politicians who get in. Now let’s compare Obama or Bush to say, Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. I think the latter are a hell of a lot smarter and able to get things done kind of people even if I wouldn’t agree with them on everything. There’s a reason why this country doesn’t have bright, creative, inventive and both street and book smart type of people getting into power often.

based on this, i started going to and, they both seem like decent sources of news to me.

I still don’t support presidents going their own way and bypassing congress via executive action, but I have to admit I’m enjoying watching the left lose their fucking minds now that Trump is doing exactly what Obama has been doing to the right for 8 years. Not fun having an agenda you don’t support that congress wouldn’t pass crammed down your throat by the swipe of a pen is it?

I’m just over here waiting for National CCW and suppressors off the NFA list :slight_smile:

x2, Pipeline boom done, defending planned parenthood boom done, hiring freeze in government agents sans military, TPP bye bye, MPC gone, I can’t wait to see what happens in the following months.

His first 100 days promises that the media said he’d never get done are on track to be done by Friday. :lol:

Not to sound like a complete idiot, but is it a new trend that presidents are using the executive order tool excessively? I mean in certain emergency situations its important to be able to take immeadiate action, but what is the constitutionality of using the executive order for all of these things?

It is Unconstitutional. We might as well get rid of Congress.

There is method to stop this sort of thing via the budget congress passes it happened several times under Obama with fighting over passing a budget because of things tossed in.

However republicans control the senate and the house so

Everyone on the left is mad about Trump being presidents but fails to mention getting crushed in the senate, house, and governor races.

That being said, it is nice to see a President who is helping producers rather than punishing them and only doing things to help the eaters.

Given you politics I can understand your perspective, I’m not terribly surprised you find it biased. By your standard objective journalism is impossible.

Maybe I missed it over the past couple of years. Show me an example of where they said "the majority of Trump supporters Alt-Right (NeoNazis,Sexist etc) "

They certainly pointed out that those were a vocal components of his base, I don’t ever recall them saying it was a majority.

Funny you should bring it up, NPR actually had a segment on why they used the phrase “falsehoods” rather than “lies” this morning.

      • Updated - - -

It only applies to entities under the purview of the Executive branch, and is subject to review by the Judiciary.

Also, modern presidents use executive order far less frequently, Obama had the lowest average number of EO’s per year in office for any President since Grover Cleveland.

And the Dow just broke 20k after rallying past 19k in just 14 days after Trump won, then stalling to wait and see if he would actually follow through. After TPP and the pipelines investors got their confirmation that he wasn’t all talk I guess.

these executive orders don’t actually gaurantee these things will get done anyways.

Keystone and Dakota both face major hurdles and hundreds of millions of dollars to actually get done. even if he gets the funding for the border wall there are other ways to hold it up.

the exec orders appear to be largely symbolic and indicative of the direction of the office

Unless there is some major republican revolt it does

Keystone still faces a number of permitting issues in the states they have to cross. Then there’s the eminent domain proceedings, etc. It’s still likely going to be years before they can do anything. If Democrats correct their turnout issue, there could be a new congress in place by then.


What path/states does the pipe line take?

Not really…

The reason Obama stopped it the way he did, via executive action, was because support for it was there in the states and Congress. Looking at LZ’s map vs Keystone map I don’t see this getting much resistance from the states it’s going to pass through either.

You’re correct that most of the states are pressing the issue, but there’s still a number of road blocks. Just because it’s a red state doesn’t mean it’s going to fly through. Property owners still have rights in those states.

I heard a rep from Nebraska being interviewed last night that said it could take up to 2 years to get approval in Nebraska due to pending and outstanding litigation and permitting.

TransCanada pulled it’s previous application for the route because the landowners have been fighting condemnation of their property for the pipeline for years. They have to submit a new route, which will require review, and likely start the litigation process all over again for the new set of landowners subjected to eminent domain. It’s still going to be years before they get approval for the route.

That’s just Nebraska. Similar issues are going on in several other states.

yeah, then the native groups will have their say… it’s messy.

TransCanada already booked a $2B write-down on this pipeline. I sure hope it gets done as it would benefit me greatly by helping the AB economy but it’ll be years and the executive action helps but also makes it a high-profile political target on the left.

With oil prices so low, have they scaled back production? My understanding was that oil sands weren’t really viable at prices ~$50 per barrel.