The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

i would say that the lower oil prices have enabled fairly significant ‘right-sizing’ and also a notable pullback in ‘confidence’. tens of thousands of jobs left the province and while there is some confidence coming back the province has been in quite a recession for the past couple years.

some cities are more affected than others.

The Fort Mac fire was also an enormous negative though the redevelopment is going to create a surge.

Canadian energy stocks are said to be a good bet as they are trailing the US energy stocks quite significantly right now.

I would like to know more about Jared Kushner. What are your guys’ thoughts on this dude.

Ivanka’s husband? Not a 10 at all.

Oil sands aren’t in BC. There is normal drilling in northern AB, BC and Alaska. There are some sands in Alberta.

they’re in ND and SD, right?

I know a lot of ruffnecks are all giddy, those guys were making HUGE $$$ working in Williston and surrounding areas, unfortunately for a lot of them, financial literacy wasn’t up top… so now they’re struggling to make their truck/boat payments.

Haha Sorry I got my provinces confused. BC, northwestern AB and Alaska are conventional. There are some sands in Alberta. Oil sands break even I was told was about ~$60-75 a barrel depending.

I think N/SD are mostly Shale. I know the break even here was ~$40 a barrel for high volume guys.

There was definitely some good money going around up there. Heck I think they were paying ~$25+ an hour at Walmart because they couldn’t get workers.


I’m not going to go through 3 years of transcripts just to point out the obvious. There’s no reason to. You have to be a complete idiot with no discernment and interpretation skills whatsoever to be able to say “NPR is unbiased, and not left leaning”. It is absurd. It’s like saying Hitler was slightly bad, but at his core, was a good man. When they ran stories on the history of the Democratic Party, they put an opinionated spin on it that made it look like in the end, the Democratic party wasn’t really the slaver,racist party.They covered Trump as if he was a joke, everything he said was reported as if it’s something ludicrous. They reported their reasoning for why Trump rose to power “Angry white, racist, misogynist men”. That isn’t journalism. There’s a difference between reporting “The cow crossed the road, the driver of the sedan didn’t stop in time and crashed into the tree” vs “The ugly cow that had no business being there was sitting there in the middle of the road, the white guy sitting behind the wheel was too busy celebrating the victory of President Trump, and drove off the road, ruining the beautiful garden and crashing into that nice tree that was there all of these years. If the future wasn’t dark enough!” Journalists are supposed to report what is happening, not what they feel is happening.

I will play the liberal card. I refuse to debate further with people who are brain dead, uneducated, living in an alternate reality and completely irrational. What a fricken joke… “Trump doesn’t release taxes!” Keep being morons, and I will keep winning and owning you in every aspect of our life. :wink:

Anyone else excited to see California leave the country? Hopefully NYC is next.

So much win in that statement

Hopefully Facebook goes away too.

…and here I thought this was going to be the good discussion thread.

You won’t bother to look because you won’t find it, and likely, deep down inside, you know that. I suppose, especially given the recent political climate, there is a slightly liberal bias to fact based reporting and attempting to discuss opposing viewpoints. Your bias doesn’t appear to allow you to see anything you disagree with, even potentially fact as anything other than “liberal bias”. I think your response further exemplifies my point, but such is life.

The tax returns and voter fraud are just red herrings used to distract while he takes action on other issues, like elevating Bannon to a member of the National Security Council while effectively lessening the roles of the Chairman of the joint Chiefs and Director of National Intelligence. That should be a far bigger concern for all Americans, especially for a President his lack of experience in national security.

That’s fine, take your ball and go home.

What do you say we reconvene at the close of Trump’s presidency, and if the nation is a safer, more prosperous, and he replaces the ACA with some less expensive and better for all Americans, I’ll admit I was completely wrong. If we have the inverse, you admit you were wrong?

I am a working man who replies on the phone. NPR is a radio program, trying to prove to you the liberal bias of NPR is not required because they do not hide it. How many uplofting Hillary programs were there? Plenty, with pundits explaining the “undeserved negativity” that she receives. How many times did they report something positive of Trump? Not much if anything. The roundtable discussions were always piling on Trump.

It’s a fact, NPR is an opinion programming station just like Sandy Beach, Shred and Reagan , and any other media program, they just have a much bigger budget .

I like their science and history programming, they should stick to that.

There’s a difference between reporting facts and reporting opinions. Liberals are not more factually based, that’s a joke.

I would agree with you on the last thing except for one thing, I never stated that I believe in everything Trump stands for. I actually stated at the start of the election season that I thought it was pathetic that the best our country could come up with is Hillary and Trump. What made me support him is stupidity of liberals and the media and all the lies and illegical bs that they try to pass of as fact. When they call something a fact then it’s considered a true fact. If they don’t “feel” that something is a fact then it’s not. It’s an oxymoron.

I speak from a viewpoint of somebody who immigrated to the USA, and had to go through the process a second time to bring my wife here and have seen and felt the stupidity of liberal policy and hypocrisy. Something people forget, Soviet Russia was as liberal as you can get! That’s why the most important holiday there to this day is New Years. It makes me laugh when programs like NPR report on it as a conservative nation. My grandfathers sat in gulags of Siberia for their faith.

It seems like you’re conflating the commentary with news reporting. Commentary isn’t ‘news’ reporting, IMO. It’s just punditry and I agree their commentary tends to have a liberal slant. Their news reporting does not.

Perhaps our disagreement is more over vocabulary?

We can both agree on that.

I’m only asking from the standpoint of trying to get a better understanding of your perspective on this. Not looking to waste your time. Can yo give me an example of this?

It’s interesting you should say that. I have another friend who immigrated to the US from Russia. From his perspective, Trump is engaging in the sort of behavior and rhetoric perpetuated by Putin and the Oligarch’s in post-Soviet Russia.

I think what you see as Soviet ‘liberalism’ and American ‘liberalism’ are very different things, but that’s likely a topic for another thread.

@tpgsr you are a facebook savage with your wife’s boyfriend comments on Howie’s thread… jeez… i cant even click like on it… too dank.

:lol: I was like who the fuck is texting me oh wait…

someone post a screen cap

yeah but you left things ambiguous.

i wanted you to step right in.

Some beta cuck was stammering on and on about 2A and LEO stance on enforcing laws after being repeatedly answered by a CBP officer. It all stemmed from a question Howie posted regarding the “Immigration” EO. He said he was unfollowing the thread so instead of trying to argue with a wall I posted “I bet Terrys wifes boyfriend agrees with the ban.” He actually did unfollow because we all know that he would have been super triggered if he hadn’t.

“Presidency Discussion Thread”
