True but it doesn’t mean that they are gainst putting a temporary halt on immigration from certain countries for a moment. They work within the 70k +/- yearly limit, there are refugees all across the globe. Anyway, as a country we absolutely have a right to stop any part of it in order to benefit us. The question is…what you do after that. If you don’t follow up to improve conditions for your citizens, then it makes no sense. We shall see how these years turn out.
I think it’s just optics, far less people are upset by this than is made out to be. It’s just that the megaphone for one side is much louder.
Well I think if it came down to choosing between their faith or the Democratic party in the future, they will always put their faith first because their allegiance is to their religion not their country etc.
I think the bottom line for me is that we have gotten to a point where sensationalism is the key point. It’s not the facts or the realism that matters most. If it was, the hysteria that we see would not be there. The best example is when my kid gets a small cut or something happens and the wife explodes in a flurry of movement etc where’s I’m like “oh yeah? Wash it, you’ll be fine” in a very relaxed manner.
Statement by the National Security AdvisorRecent Iranian actions, including a provocative ballistic missile launch and an attack against a Saudi naval vessel conducted by Iran-supported Houthi militants, underscore what should have been clear to the international community all along about Iran’s destabilizing behavior across the Middle East.
The recent ballistic missile launch is also in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which calls upon Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.
These are just the latest of a series of incidents in the past six months in which Houthi forces that Iran has trained and armed have struck Emirati and Saudi vessels, and threatened U.S. and allied vessels transiting the Red Sea. In these and other similar activities, Iran continues to threaten U.S. friends and allies in the region.
The Obama Administration failed to respond adequately to Tehran’s malign actions—including weapons transfers, support for terrorism, and other violations of international norms. The Trump Administration condemns such actions by Iran that undermine security, prosperity, and stability throughout and beyond the Middle East and place American lives at risk.
President Trump has severely criticized the various agreements reached between Iran and the Obama Administration, as well as the United Nations – as being weak and ineffective.
Instead of being thankful to the United States for these agreements, Iran is now feeling emboldened.
As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice.
I guess its time to pull all of my $ out of the banks and investments, sell my house, rent a condo, buy a LaFerrari, quit my job and party til the nuclear winter kicks in.
Anyone see the Budweiser commercial? That is exactly my point, they show a guy presenting legal documents. It’s a false narrative. I just finished 2 years of NCCC and the number one question from classmates was “arent you afraid Trump will deport you and your family?” At which point I laughed. The liberals report this in a way that the regular American watching thinks that Trump is anti immigration and wants to deport them all. If you enter the country illegally, you are a criminal and should be treated as such
On Tuesday, Mike Hager told FOX 2 that he and his family were stopped while trying to return from Iraq to Michigan. He said that he was allowed through because of his American citizenship but his ailing mother and other family members were not. He then claimed that his mom passed away in Iraq on Saturday, as he was traveling to the United States.
Imam Husham Al-Hussainy, leader of the Karbalaa Islamic Educational Center in Dearborn, says Mike Hager’s mom did not pass away this weekend after being barred from traveling to the United States. The Imam confirms that Hager’s mother died before the ban was put in place.
The Imam, who voted for Trump, did not want to address the general unrest over the travel ban or the weekend chaos for travelers and protesters at the airports. Instead, he called for peace and patience.
I don’t understand these idiots. Why bother lying about something like that? And shame on the news outlets for not confirming it before plastering it everywhere.
Simple, the MSM hates Trump and they all race to be the first to run the next negative story about him, fact checking be damned. Eventually even people on the left will start to admit it.
Andrew McClinton was charged with arson of a place of worship… Andrew McClinton, who is black, was a member of the church
So what’s happening is people see a headline about a church being burned or see that picture above and assume it was racist Trump voters. Hell, by me posting that picture in this thread I’m sure someone might ignore the text and assume something similar.
People are too lazy to read past headlines. And reporters know this / are too lazy.
In the end, I don’t even really feel as though the refugee issue is that significant in the grand scheme of things. I have far greater concerns about the administration. I think a significant part of the reason for the “loud megaphone”, is a response to the campaign rhetoric. Whether you think it’s valid or not, a perception that if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile. This president has a fairly well documented history of that sort of behavior in his business practices. Beyond that, the failure to properly vet the executive order within the existing bureaucracy or department heads, which lead to a lot of the problems with the execution of the order(detention or rejection of legal residents), compounded the issue.
I realize this is anecdotal, but a lot of the people I see shouting about “WE HAVE PEOPLE AT HOME WE NEED TO HELP!!!” are many of the same people I’ve seen in the past advocating for the elimination of social welfare programs, in one case it was someone whose family recently benefited from them. It all just smacks of hypocrisy from my perspective.
Updated - - -
People on the left already acknowledge it. I think it’s reprehensible, and it certainly doesn’t help anyone. It really shouldn’t be this difficult to get to the bottom if things. It does happen on both side of the political spectrum though.
Oh shit, can you imagine Trump sitting down with gang leaders?
Dr. Darrell Scott… claimed he was “contacted by some of the top gang thugs in Chicago for a sit-down.”
… “They reached out to me, because they’re associating me with you. They respect you. They believe in what you’re doing, and they want to have a sit-down about lowering that body count. So in a couple weeks, I’m going into Chicago,” Scott said. “I said we’ve got to lower that body count. We don’t want to talk about anything else; get that body count down, and they agreed that the principals that can do it – these are guys straight from the streets, no politicians, straight street guys – but they’re going to commit that if they lower that body count, we’ll come in and we’ll do some social programs.”
I wouldn’t eliminate the programs, but reform them so that only people who really need them are on it. It has to be a crutch not a permanent source of income. When we moved to the USA my mother recieved food stamps, 6 months in she had to go work at Lowry Middle School as a janitor to continue to receive food stamps. That clause has been taken out so now you aren’t required to work which is stupid. If you have a $600 smartphone, drive a new SUV and have a new $2k tv every year, there’s no way my tax dollars should support you.
Btw, I come from a country that has social programs in every aspect of your life. Tou know what the culture is? “You stupid Americans working all the time!” They brag about who did the least amount of work and gotten the most out of it. That’s where socialism gets you. The problem is that people are usually off the charts on one or the other side. There has to be a balance.
Here’s another question… why does capitalism work for the great majority of legal immigrants who come to the USA and somehow doesn’t for others who have been here for generations? (Female Dem yesterday )i remember this program.
You’d be hard pressed to find many reasonable people that aren’t in favor of eliminating grift in social programs.
I agree that there needs to be a balance. I think that’s one area the US does fairly well, balancing capitalist and socialist ideals. At the same time, there’s always going to be some level of abuse of those services. It’s like speeding, people are going to get away with whatever they can get away with. You can say the same thing about any sort of government funded programs, infrastructure, defense, etc. There’s waste all across the board, but the first thing people usually go after are the social programs.
I think it works better for immigrants because in general, they see how they can get ahead through hard work. Especially when compared to wherever they may have come from. Multi-generational Americans tend to have a far greater sense of entitlement, especially as it relates to employment and what they’re willing to do to get by.
That I agree with. I go to a church of mostly Eastern Europeans/Russians, and talk to many in the Buffalo Slavik speaking population (Turks, Uzbeks, Russians etc) and a common thing people are just baffled by is that with all the opportunity available whether working for somebody or starting your own business , why are there so many people who were born here and in their middle age etc are still living in an apartment or working at a fast food restaurant and don’t have much in terms of personal investments ie tools etc etc?. The term in Russian translates to “non-moveables” which is basically putting your money into things like tools and appliances and your house because if the money collapses (ruble devaluation every few years) your money was spent on something that either you or someone else can use. (Cash becomes useless)
I mean in Belarus the smount of hurdles you have to pass through and the bribes that are required to get a business license is incredible. Then if you get too big for the govt liking, or some other firm pays a high enough fee, the “men in black” come and shut you down and there’s no legal recourse.
so… seems all the iran news right now is about some ballistic missile test. seems this could be a red herring of sorts. Ron Paul posted some stuff on FB today and after some minor googling it looks like Iran, yesterday, announced that they are retaliating against the US by getting rid of the US Dollar for oil and varous other activities effective March 1.
You make some of the best points in here. A lot of people in here on social programs milk it for all it’s worth too. Here’s a picture I took behind a Section 8 housing complex. It’s a 6-unit apartment building with 5 direct TV dishes behind it.
i had a friend come at me with the legal immigrants who have been here only 2 generations out performing cohorts who have been here for several generations but it comes off as hyper-racialized no matter how true it is… would be good to hear one that is softer with the same point.