Sorry should be this. I believe it’s the one I heard , they made some interesting points.
I don’t disagree. The MSM hates Trump but so does most of the country. When will people realize that they should be fact checking this administration? The way that people defend Trump and his swamp monsters is just baffling to me. This is not me defending MSM, I’m just applying the same logic as you.
They are constantly spewing falsehoods. (I use the term falsehood so not to imply intent even though it’s likely straight up lying.) Trump can’t get through 2 consecutive sentences without embellishing something about himself or fabricating a statistic. Does this effect their credibility among their base at all?
The latest narrative attempt:
EDIT - in case anyone wants to help the victims of such a terrible, terrible event. SAD:
^ Yeah, that chick needs to be fired ASAP. Should have been gone after her “alternative facts” fuckup.
I’ve noticed, at least among the few Trump supporters I see on facebook, they just repeat all these ‘falsehoods’ as fact among each other. When I countered with some facts, they told me it was from the liberal MSM and was fake news. If it’s not on Breitbart or Fox News, it isn’t real. I honestly don’t know how to combat that.
Where do you get the idea that most of the country hates Trump? Has there been a poll of the whole country that says that more than 50% of the people hate Trump? idts. Just because people like Conway make up crap to fight the media that is asking idiotic questions and makes up their own shit doesn’t mean that there is an issue with Trump and his administration doing things that actually matter.
The fact is that Obama did have a ban in place, and Trump has one now for legitimate reasons. When your own agencies tell you that there is no way to properly vet the incomers, you would be a complete idiot not to listen to them but to instead do the thing that is emotionally acceptable to the snowflakes in our society.
Anybody who has been through the legal immigration process can tell you that there is no possible way to go through the same process if you are from a country like Syria. So why the hell did I have to spends tens of thousands of dollars, go through getting all the paperwork from Ukrainian government and the briberies involved, and these people don’t. That is bullshit.
Also in terms of legal vs illegal immigrants, how in the world do you expect people who already commit criminal acts in getting into the USA, to actually respect our laws? Why would they want to pay taxes? At any time when the law will place hardships on them that they feel is too much, they will ignore it. Legal immigrants come the proper way and respect the law, thats why they bear everything that has to do with immigrating in the first place!
You might be missing the point. The FACT is that this administration (Trump, KAC, Spicer, etc) is flat out lying to the public. Is that of no concern to you?
I’d say a lot of the country hates Trump, but not by a significantly larger amount than the norm that generally hates a POTUS after an election. Trump is just a lot more polarizing. He brings out the really conservative and the really liberal, obviously. So while the divide between the two have always been there, he’s sort of pushed them apart even more, leaving us middle of the road people sorta like the middle class.
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Because some of them had very little choice - die or come through illegally. I’m not saying they should get a free pass - my mom and dad did it legally and I fully believe that is the only way it should be, but your thought process is interesting. You/ve broken the law with speeding before, I’m sure. If your wife or child was dying and needed to get into the hospital, would you not break the law to try to save them?
If some members of the Trump have lied once or twice vs mostly telling the truth, then how is that triubling to me when the Obama administration and those surrounding Hillary were lying all the time? To be honest Trump could be screwing a goat on his off time, as long as he implements an agenda I agree with I could care less.
This fake “shock” or “concern” is just hilarious. Fake because if you weren’t concerned with previous administration/Hillary and are now, then it’s clearly fabricated concern. (Facts backing up their lies etc available to everyone ) It is more concerning when the White House is lying and skewing the facts and the press goes along with it without ever calling them out aka the last 8 years, and before.
The majority of illegals are not facing a wife or childs death. Stop sensationalizing the subject. Speeding is hardly the same as breaking into a country. The same way stealing is not the same as speeding. I had an extremely hard life but my mother still did things the “right” way. Tell me, why is it that of all the countries in the world , the USA somehow owes it to everyone to take them in if they demand it? Give me a break some of you speak like people who do not live in reality but some utopian textbook version of life. For every well off American there is a kid starving or a mother dying in the world. That doesn’t mean they should all come here. In my value system, I would “save my wife or child” in the ways that wouldn’t require me to cross into the USA illegally. These scenarios people bring up are from watching too much Hollywood.
Here’s a grand idea, instead of trying to impose our “demicratic ideals” without concern for culture etc (Bush Iraq, Obama Ukraine, Syria) why don’t we actually help these countries to take care of their own citizens aka not by military force, regime change etc. Bring back Maslows pyramid to how we go about looking at the rest of the world.
Edit: The refreshing thing that I love about this administration is that everything is real time, not as scripted and more based in reality than the previous ones. There is no “Trump will talk about… next Friday where he will talk about…” and everybody literally has the speech and everythong before it happens. Complete fairy tale. Where Trump just does it, or says what he wants to say.
Wait, so the Trump administration lying is Obama and Hillary’s fault? Got it.
Sorry, but I honestly don’t think you’re capable of having real discussion on political matters. Lying ‘once or twice’ is a far cry from what’s actually happening my friend. You’re coming off as delusional.
If the US does nothing, the rest of the world screams “Why aren’t you doing something?!”
If the US does something, the rest of the world screams “Why don’t you mind your own business?!”
You immigrated here, and from the sounds of things, it was extremely difficult to do so. I’ll just assume that you didn’t go through all of that work because you DIDN’T see the value, promise, and hope of living in this country. You wanted a better life, and you scrounged the means to jump through the hoops to do so.
Tell me this, do you think those hoops were acceptable? Or do you think that the entire process is flawed and should be revamped to give people who want to contribute to our society a better way of doing so? Not everyone that doesn’t live here is a terrorist, but I am not blind to the very real threat of terrorism. I’m asking what you think the solution should be. I don’t think it would be closing the borders, because then you wouldn’t have ever been able to come here. It’s been repeated in here that there is no real way to properly vet the individuals who come from countries with no documented personal history, and that makes sense. It’s also very clear that we have our own homegrown terrorists that have no need to leave the country they were born in (the US) in order to be a terrorist.
Also, my main concern with the White house as it currently stands is that it will go down in history as the administration of “What I really meant to say was…”. It’s ridiculous, you’re running a country, get your shit together before you open your mouth.
Um yeah, everyone in government lies, and if you think the current administration doesn’t lie just as much as any other administration, I’d like to sell you a bridge.
I don’t disagree, but you don’t think every administration skews facts?
Just like you’re trying to tell me about how hard life was for you, because I didn’t know - you don’t know exactly what people have been through. A rough life in America is very different than a rough life in a lot of places. You don’t know everyone’s situation, just like everyone doesn’t know yours. Again, I will repeat : I am not for, at all, illegal immigration.
Not all countries think people are worth the same as ours.
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It’s called, due diligence, and any decent business person knows how to do it.
Paulo, you are the delusional one my friend. I was talking about the fake concern. I never said Trump officials lying at times is a result of Obama. I’m saying when Obama lies, Hillary lies, and that doesn’t concern you but now Trump is in office and all of a sudden you have concern… that’s called trumped up and fake concern.
If you actually listen to the press briefings etc and are implying that it’s all filled with lies, you are the delusional one . If CNN or ABC or NPR says they are lying, does not make it a fact or true. It’s like calling Milo a “White supremacist” no basis whatsoever.
Toast, I believe there are many things that need to be done to revamp it. Heres the thing, Trump is basically doing that and he gets flak for it. Nobody ever said anything about a permanent ban on immigration. A 3 month freeze is not only reasonable but also smart especially when it’s only from 7 countries.
Tell me this, say we had a government that agreed the whole system needed to be overhauled. The only way you could do it is if you halted the whole system completely for a time to implement new measures. It is what is happening now to a portion of the immigration system now.
It’s like protesting and demanding that a store stay open while they are renovating and putting in new tech that will allow for faster buying process. Sure people arent items in a store , but nobody is goving Trump a chance just piling on with their own bullshit. If A democrat did the same thing, nobody would say a thing. We all know that.
Edit: The hard life I’m talking about was in post Soviet Union Belarus. My concerns weren’t what people growing up here consider to be concerns. I’ve actually felt what it’s like to have a dictator in the country.
Every administration lies, but having concern over Trump when you weren’t concerned about Hillary or Obama is a joke. It’s like coming from Iraq after having killed many people and being afraid of a guy in a bar
Thank you for telling me what I was concerned with before and now.
Don’t project on people. Stick to the issue. Inform yourself.
To add to that, there is no comparison between Trump and Obama when it comes to lies. I’m not saying Obama was a saint by any means, but the guy had his shit together when addressing the public and didn’t just make up stats.
I’m not projecting, basing things on what was said before the election. I’m informed on things that matter to me. None of what Trump is doing is making me afraid, I am loving it and enjoying the liberals squirming and the press making fools of themselves day after day.
Obama spun facts in any way that pleased him. (Eco recovery). I don’t see Trump just making up stats. He uses stats that he feels are credible the same way every body else does. Just because they come from sources you don’t agree with doesn’t mean a thing except to you and those that think like you (dont mean it as a bad or good thing)
And here’s the thing, we are running in circles. You say you cannot have a conversation with me because I am not “capable of having real discussion on political matters.” When i feel the same about you. I feel like you do not live in the real, fact based world based on what you say. There was actually something about this on NPR, generall people with certain convictions will see facts to back their version of reality up and vice versa. The point is to figure out how to live with each other.
It blows my mind that someone goes all in on a President / party and they can do no wrong. Both ways. That’s what’s fucking wrong with this country, liberals and conservatives alike.
100% agree. What’s more is that if you don’t claim full allegiance to the president that someone likes you’re branded as being the opposite extreme or ‘not living in a fact based world’. I don’t think I’ve posted something that alludes to me having blind trust in anyone. At least I hope it’s not perceived that way by normal people.
What ban from Obama are you talking about here?
Are you talking refugees or regular immigration? The refugee process has changed quite a bit since 1998, and the amount of scrutiny they get is far greater than those in the typical immigration process.
Is anyone is this thread advocating for illegal immigrants? I don’t understand why you keep bringing them up.
I have not done that either. I have never said Trump and the party is the best and that I agree with them on everything." All in" as you say. What you bring up as concerns just doesn’t bother me as something to be afraid of Trump over.
What I find amazing is how people just join the unwarranted outcrys over every single thing he does without giving him a chance.
I talk about illegal immigration because most people who cry foul over Trumps ban put all of us in the same boat as if there’s no difference. saying things like Trump is antiimmigration. Or that what he did is actually that big of a deal and is not something he is allowed/should do.
Speaking of lies… Kellyanne Conway needs to be out of a job by Saturday morning. I’m not going to sit here arguing support for Trump while this dumb bitch just keeps vomiting BS all over cable news.
This thread needs more memes.
Also we’re only 2 weeks in to this presidency, lol.
I’m just happy so many people are paying attention to politics in general. :tup:
@Paulo is right, there is definitely shit coming from the administration and it shouldn’t be overlooked. @Daddie’s point about all administrations is valid as well. @nermoria isn’t necessarily wrong on his points either.
No one wants to talk about Trump trying to help Chicago. NYSpeed hates black people