The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

Here’s the thing Paulo, I don’t want guns in crazy peoples hands any more than you do. BUT, I ALSO do not want the gov’t deciding WHO and WHO SHOULD NOT have their 2nd amendment rights taken away based on an opinion.

I’ll refer to my tin foil hat scenario as a “slippery slope”

I think we can all agree that it’s good convicted felons cannot own firearms…but let me give you a scenario that kinda makes you think about this law.

Robert gets in a bar fight at the age of 19, he punches a guy out, the guy falls down and smacks his head on a pool table, cracking his skull open. Robert is convicted of 1st degree assault (felony) as his punch inflicted great bodily injury.
Fast foward to 40 years later, Robert is now 59 years old, hasn’t recieved even a parking ticket since his arrest 40 years ago. He is married and has 4 children. Neither Robert, his wife, nor his 4 kids can have a firearm in the house because Robert is a convicted felon.

Let’s talk about mental illness, if you make it illegal for someone who a doctor sees as “mentally unfit to own a firearm” what is to say this doctor has a huge dislike for firearms? What is better, the mentally ill patient (Jeff) going to buy a firearm from a FFL, where it will be recorded that he purchased the firearm, his face will be on CCV, his current address will be notated and the firearm serial number will be recorded and Jeff’s name will be linked to the serial #?
OR, is it better that Jeff is banned from legally buying firearms, so he goes to a sketchy part of town and buys a HiPoint 9mm (not saying all HiPoints are illegally obtained…but…) with the serial numbers shaved off?

The same argument could be made about legalizing drugs, as people will buy drugs legal or not, if they want them… the only difference is, the 2nd amendment states: “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed”

      • Updated - - -

My favorite part of FB is FB Memories, ever since Trump announced he was running, I’ve been losing 1-2 “friends” a week.

I click on FB memories from 5 years ago, out of the 70 likes on the photo, 10-20 of my friends that liked the photo are no longer my friends… they also tend to lean left. LOL.

I’ve never once de friended someone on fb because of their beliefs/views.

…to reiterate.

You may have skipped over my point entirely. Despite me not having any real interest in guns, I’m pro-gun. I just don’t think adding some smarter legislation to owning one is a bad idea. Considering it’s harder to get a drivers license than a gun tells me that there is some room for improvement.

Are we friends on FB? This is all I use that platform for at this point. Some pics of my kids to keep my immediate family from hating me too much.

i’m down with this shit too… it’s like when we feel a battle coming on a couple tags summons a wall of support

I’ve got a couple people that I follow willingly who are all about the resistance. The best part is that one of them posted yesterday asking how they can support the resistance against Trump, but the problem was that they have no money and that seems to be all people want.

Maybe there’s a reason you have no money and you’re halfway through your adult life…

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:clap: :bow:

Haha, I’ll PM you.

This is critical.

i have played this card in heated discussion and it does not go over well… but seriously… the quality of your career, portfolio, education, family etc are each important and objective ways of keeping score. It takes a serious degree of willful blindness to ignore ones own deficiencies in these aspects of ones life while also really thinking they have this worldview figured out.

This can be applied in reverse as well. Trump being a prime example. What is it about being wealthy for your entire life, never having to struggle for anything, never having to rely on government programs when your life changes beyond your control, gives a ‘world view’ for the people that he is supposed to represent?

Ignoring people in the lower class is also willful ignorance if you ask me. This coin has two sides.

i dont know anyone like Trump so hasnt ever been a real issue. certainly know many backwardly mobile individuals though… and with super strong opinions.

I don’t make a habit of hanging out with billionaires either. However, do you think you may just be hearing the voice of a loud minority within that lower class?

no it is systemic and gaining traction. my kid’s school is a perfect example of why. kids are passing and going up through the grades without accumulating any knowledge. can barely read, getting 0/17 on math tests and no consequences. It is incredibly frustrating for parents like my wife and I who keep pushing our sons to do better and better.

they dont have the wherewithall yet to say, “but why should i try when my friends dont try and still pass?”

these kids get into highschool and avoid objectively measured fields of study (math, science, etc) and focus on bullshit… passing all the way.

then they get in to university on the backs of subjective grading in bullshit courses.

universities will happily take mommy and daddy’s money for more bullshit subjective course material… gender studies, various other social sciences and opinion-oriented stuff…

they go through a lifetime of ‘yup you’re fine’… but it doesnt translate into anything of value added or created.

we then have a whole generational cohort (man and woman) of people with out-sized sense of self with nothing to reinforce it.

the saving grace is that unless you are a white male you can simply throw accusations around the work-place or anywhere else of sexism, racism, blah blah blah… in lieu of actually being right about anything… to get your way.

the silver lining is that with such a large portion of each graduating class being complete fucking morons it becomes easier and easier for people with any real sense to get ahead. but it becomes extremely difficult to recruit and find people who arent useless.

personal politics are a strong indicator. And i am not really referring to class (upper or lower) as the descriptor here. I’m referring i guess to ‘locus of control’ and its impact on class mobility.

but i digress

A lot of people want to say Trump was just given that money and it made him rich just like that. I’d like to think that it takes a special person to take that money and turn it into something bigger. How many people get money and they blow it all in one night, or make bad decisions and are broke as a joke.

Trump was given a large chunk of money, but he took it and continuously double, tripled his money.

Growing up, I got my older brothers clothes given to me as Christmas presents. I remember cleaning local OTB facilities with my dad on Christmas Eve so that we could have dinner the next day.

It’s a personal view on life for some, but not all. Most of the people I see that are not comfortable in life, are that way because of their outlook on life and the choices they choose to make, or not make.

This individual chooses to spend her time protesting and feeling sorry for herself and other people she’s never even met before. She chooses to chase the bad in things and that’s why she’s only surrounded by bad thoughts and thinks the worst of the world right now.

She really is an easy target in this whole thing, so I do feel bad using her as an example, but it seems that this election has really brought out the people who want to claim ownership as a victim of this world, when they are just trying really hard to have an issue about something that may not exist.




I second this.

:eek3: Indeed. lol. 100% with you on that shit. I’m glad that I don’t have kids to have to worry about that too much.

I can’t speak for the person you’re mentioning. It’s anecdotal and I’m aware of these types of people as well.

The debate with Trump’s start in his career and making his money is always an interesting one, though. It’s funny watching people making normal salaries defend a billionaire who got his start because his father was already massively successful. I’m not saying the guy didn’t do well with what he was given, I’m saying he started 2 feet from the finish line in a marathon.

Really? I think this works both ways. The macho, overconfident person that might have received too much encouragement growing up trying to make decisions based on one data set where the uncertainty is infinite. Maybe they will get lucky and attribute it to their greatness! Or maybe they will fail and everyone will say, “It’s great to take a chance. We learn by ‘doing’!” It seems like there’s a lot more men acting this way…

And of course, there’s the competent people in the middle (“I don’t need to know their gender”) just trying to keep these folks in balance.

that may very well be the case I was just just ranting on institutionalized victim-culture.

See? There you go. “I’m not wrong, I’m just ranting.” :clap:


2 feet from the finish line is your analogy? Really? He took $1,000,000 from his father and turned it into almost $10,000,000,000. That’s like you taking $1, and turning it into $10,000. You guys go so far out of your way to discredit the guy and act like he’s a fool.

A more accurate analogy would be that the starters gun went “bang” and Trump was already 20 feet ahead.