The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

Yeah, but the conversation was recorded when he was a private citizen, before he was NSA.

I’m not sure I understand how or why you think that’s relevant?

I’m going to eat lunch, I’ll let you chew on that as well :slight_smile:

I see what Josh is getting at but it might be a gray area. Flynn wasn’t an official part of the administration at the time but acting as part of the transition team for Trump. I can’t find it right now but how do those laws apply to people in between the election and inauguration?

I absolutely agree that private citizens should not be monitored but Flynn was discussing national concerns with a Russian ambassador to the US at the time. That’s not exactly the type of activity a private citizen would be involved in.

warning some meme-ish content ahead

Flynn was discussing national concerns with a Russian ambassador to the US at the time


The call spurred an investigation by the FBI into whether Flynn had violated the rarely invoked Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments in disputes with the United States.

This whole thing is getting nutty.

  1. Flynn was a private citizen who spoke with a potential Russian counterpart weeks before the election. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. Because he was speaking with a Russian diplomat, his conversation was recorded. It can be surmised that both of them knew this.
  3. Because Flynn is a private citizen, his information on the call record is blocked. Essentially intelligence knows who the Russian is but not who he’s speaking to.
  4. The Russian counterpart asked about Trumps position on sanctions, Flynn says when the administration gets into office they’ll review it.
  5. Fast forward and Pence asks Flynn if he’s spoken with anyone from Russia about sanctions, he says no.
  6. Pence goes on TV and says Flynn didn’t talk about sanctions.
  7. At some point someone in the intelligence world unblocks Flynn’s information from that call and leaks it to prove he did talk about sanctions.
  8. Pence is pissed, Flynn either outright lied about the conversation or simply forgot it was even brought up.
  9. Flynn resigns.

Wait, are we trusting the Washington post again too? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I get all the rest of your post, what I didn’t understand was where you said " brakes the law to target a private individual without a warrant".

They didn’t need a warrant to record the ambassador, Flynn just happened to be on the line.

I feel bad for the guy… had to take one for the team. I mean, you don’t really think Pence and Trump didn’t know what he was talking with them about?

Yeah, yeah, it’s not an opinion piece though and came from the FBI. Then again, who trusts Comey’s FBI after all that Hillary drama amiright? :tinfoilhat:

As for targeting, someone released Flynn’s info from that call. As far as I can tell they need a court order to do so since he was a private citizen at the time.

      • Updated - - -

This is great. “Trump is an idiot” vs. “Trump knows everything that anyone is saying to anyone at all times.”

A mastermind of conspiracy, yet at the same time he’s the dumbest president ever.

Look, if people out there want to take the leap of inference that this resignation is more evidence of Russia hacking the election, go right ahead.

That was also a “leak” from a source at the FBI, not a public statement from the FBI.

It can be tough to keep up with what you folks consider “fake news” or not these days. :wink:

I’m taking all of these leaks at face value, regardless of where they come from.

lol, only CNN. The rest have their good days and bad days.

With what we know right now, Flynn didn’t do anything illegal. (Even considering the Logan Act.) I guess I’m trying to define what a cabinet nominee is between election and inauguration. (Private citizen vs public official)

Damn, with everything going on with Russia allegations this is one huge black eye that they have to deal with. It really does seem like Trump was blind sided by this but that in itself is speculation.

If he lied to the FBI, that’s a felony.

Well they leaked what was likely classified information, so they have bigger things to worry about than if they needed a warrant to do that.

I haven’t watched it yet but I guess Trump let the media have it pretty good at his press conference. :slight_smile:

I’ve already posted related memes, lol.

Bush got shitted on constantly and never fought back. This is the polar opposite of that.

It wasn’t last year



She lost, get over it.

Did anyone watch the press conference? What are your thoughts on how he handled the questions?

it was pretty wild. he clearly thinks it’s ok to say anything as the truth without validation. when called out just say somebody else told you. he can never be accountable for anything.

Not yet, plan to tonight if I have time. I have caught the excerpts and good for Trump. Bush cowered in the corner and let the press bash him relentlessly. To see them do that, then take a 180 and do everything they could to softball Obama for 8 years it’s about time we had a republican willing to put their bias under a floodlight. I just wish he could do it without so much “Trumpism”, like “we’re the best ever” and “well oiled machine” and “best best best”, but I get it, that’s his style.