The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

I figured this page would have a discussion going on

Churches can get more involved in politics, people born with diseases can be denied or charged through the ass for healthcare, the middle class could get a tax break of 4% in lieu of losing pretty much any deduction other than mortgage interest or charitable donations, the rich get to keep even more of their money. Oh, and that whole getting more militaristic involvement all over the world thing. Seems like itā€™s going great.

Iā€™m not a Trump supporter, but Iā€™m only judging the results, not the rhetoric. I donā€™t care who the president is, if the above is your list of achievements so far, I donā€™t see how anyone outside of politicians or business tycoons could look at it and say ā€œgood job man!ā€ And using Hillary or Obama in your response isnā€™t justification, itā€™s irrelevant deflection.

Did you pull that info directly from the headlines in your FB feed?

Iā€™m not going to pass judgement on this healthcare shit until the Senate gets something put together.

I really fail to see how the House plan is going to improve the lives of Middle Class people.

Do you care to dispute it?

anyone else getting totally bored with the Russia narrative?

iā€™d like to fast forward and get to some of the tax reform and wall building pleaseā€¦ close friend was all up in arms the other night about the russia shit and iā€™m likeā€¦ dude, if thatā€™s what it takes to get this wall built then fuckin A right he can collude with russia.

Iā€™m confused how attacking Trump for sharing information on a mutual enemy ISIS is exactly the big issue people should be going after?

im on the same page but everything is so convoluted and conflated that there is no truth anymore.

moreover, people who dont understand the burden of proof or how complicated the law is as it relates to politics and just keep thinking that CNN can impeach a presidentā€¦ all those people need to shut up.

Why not ignore the narrative and support the investigation? If there was nothing illegal happening, great. An independent investigation should be favorable for everyone at this point.

Side note - I was out of the country for 2 weeks and ignored US politics during that time. Immediately upon my return it became blatantly clear how exhausting our current political climate and news cycle is.

exactlyā€¦ i dont care about the process or the investigation now. just tell me when something wrong was actually done. And even then, i may still find wrong-doing in an effort to achieve a more desirable agenda to be the preferred choice over an alternative

The news keeps treating every little thing like a huge thing hoping it will stick and nothing has yetā€¦

Regardless of what happens now youā€™re not changing the outcome of the election no matter how much you want itā€¦Best case would Pence becoming president I donā€™t know if that is the end goal democrats want :lol:

I wasnā€™t aware of anyone that thinks the outcome of the election can change.

CNN is just unbearable to even look at anymore. Every day the sky is falling.

Ever been to Upvote BotLandā€¦ errr, I meanā€¦ Reddit?

Seriously, that site is garbage now. I used to love it for years and years, but now that news websites learned that itā€™s profitable to pay to upvote things to the front page, so that they get more clicks/traffic, itā€™s filled with garbage headlines and itā€™s exhausting to even go there anymore.

I remember when Reddit had information, both good and bad. It was super useful as a news feed. Now, we only get the same Anti-Trump articles at the top and anything heā€™s actually doing (which is the important stuff) is completely missing from view.

I fear that Reddit will fail soon, just like Digg did when it became one sided. ā€œNormalā€ redditors will stop going, (Which I think is already happening, due to the front page missing content) because they get pummeled with one sided politics in every subreddit they visit. Nobody wants to hear about how The_Donald is a horrible place, or that everyone is Russian, Racist or Bigoted at every turnā€¦

@Clean_Baldy I do spend some time on Reddit (Not for political stuff anymore) but quickly grew tired of the sensationalist leftism all of the time. Every fucking day was the next thing that ā€˜finally does Trump in.ā€™ Exhausting is the right word.

Still though, I never saw people thinking the election turnout would be reversed. And as far as I know the media isnā€™t saying that either.

So then what is the goal? Keep dividing the US? Further make it impossible to get anything done?

Cast doubt on the current administration at every point possible? Impeachment?

Russia keep coming up in everything to further promote the narrative of Russia flipping the election for Trump.

The goal would be impeachment, yes. Because someone with personal and foreign interests (especially adversarial ones) in mind before those of the country shouldnā€™t hold office. IF thatā€™s the case, of course.

Why wouldnā€™t you support that idea?

You understand the harm that news networks are doing running 24/7 anti trump stuff? Hoping that one of the random stories is the thing that does him in?

If they have something cool impeach and get it done then the news can report about it.

Honestly, I donā€™t think itā€™s that people wouldnā€™t want impeachment if something was wrong, but how the media is clearly just attacking our President every single day. How is that healthy for our country, to just be 100% Anti-Trump, 24/7ā€¦

Even when the guy signs a normal working document, everyone is up in arms. Itā€™s ridiculous. The guy says something. Anarchy ensues about one sentence of a 60 minute speech.

It feels like a Witch Hunt. Plain and simple. The news is out to get him. Late night talk shows. Heck, thereā€™s even a SHOW called ā€œThe President Showā€ which is just a show mocking our President.

Seriously? What the hell kind of Country is this?

For that alone, Iā€™m rooting for our President. The Russian thing feels fake and made up, but since itā€™s brought up every day, itā€™s become a narrative to drive peopleā€¦

On slow days, they just make shit up. ā€œSources sayā€ ā€¦ which is discussed for two days and then is forgotten forever.

Iā€™ve lost trust so much in our media and Reddit, or news sites in general, that I almost feel like the Russian thing is a completely made up thing that went too far and everyone just kind of went with it.


Please, letā€™s talk more about the poor Donald being mistreated by the media. :ham:


Donā€™t get me wrong, I despise the 24/7 media cycle bullshit but cā€™mon. This WH is a fucking circus. Theyā€™re making it easy to be attacked. (Disclaimer: this is not in defense of the psychopathic hysteria created from almost nothing by many media sources.)

Iā€™m not rooting for anything but the truth. Just because you feel like itā€™s made up doesnā€™t mean it should be ignored and the bias you see from MSNBC/CNN/etc is not an excuse to create your own bias.

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I agree, but honest question; How do you think itā€™s doing harm? And to who?