The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

i’m fine with the Mandela comparison; since he didnt really say Mandela, it’s other’s bringing it into the conversation. his comment is not factual but it’s of equivalent sensationalization.

the more aggressive the media is with non-news or forcing the Trump / Russia narrative the more reasonable all of the counter-actions become.

I reduce things down to this… we are all lucky as fuck to live the quality of lives we lead. Due process and all of the other wonderful concepts employed by ‘The West’ are to be credited for the quality of life we have. What we’re REALLY arguing about here (left vs. right) is what would be better overall… the US voted for tax reform and tougher immigration among other things… the media is being used as a tool to impede progress toward the winning agenda.

The media war is a new kind of tool for agenda-pushing and is of questionable ethics and efficacy. It stands to reason that the measures to resist it and drive toward the winning agenda could and perhaps even ‘should’ be as questionable… In my mind this is among the most important battle of ideas our societies face. It is worth crossing lines to preserve the desired outcome… it’s tantamount to war. fuck process… just win.

You don’t think it’s doing harm to people, where the news is pretty much causing a rift between the Country? They’re essentially re-enforcing one ideology, making people have to pick sides, like some sporting event. People (you and me, right now) are forced to discuss and argue. Some are taking the news as 100% accurate and the term “Fake News” is everywhere.

I’m pretty sure our country wasn’t built on bullying our President. Sure, he’s not doing a perfect job, but how could he? From DAY 1, he’s been attacked, accused, abused and there’s nobody fighting with him or for him.

You try doing a good job when you’re constantly trying to defend every single word you say. It’s ridiculous.

If something ACTUALLY bad happened, no one would listen. No one gives a shit how many scoops of ice cream he ate and its a fucking embarrassment that information like that is “newsworthy”. I don’t even turn on the news anymore because its mostly bullshit, and I don’t believe it. You dilute the media with “OMG GUYZ TRUMP IS A NAZI” every single day with absolutely NO evidence to back up your claim-- trump can actually turn into a nazi and no one will listen. I believe there’s an old story which explains this…might be called “The boy who cried wolf”.

Can’t wait to see what Mueller digs up. I honestly don’t want him impeached. It’s definitely a herpes vs. AIDS type choice but I’d rather have Trump in there talking shit on Twitter all day, too paralyzed by scandal to get bills passed, than Mike Pence and Paul Ryan passing all kinds of conservative nonsense.

The American public and the country? :lol:

The news baits this left vs right constantly between Fox, CNN, and MSNBC the country at one point and time worked together regardless of which party had a majority. Neither side works together anymore largely because of the news media spinning this huge right vs left when the majority of people are closer to center and can actually agree.

If Trump did/does something the FBI and whoever is investigating great when they have a full case and go forward with impeachment let me know.

Earlier this week the scandal was the president discussing with Russia details about ISIS which is a mutual enemy…Oddly enough the president is in a position to share classified information if he wants so this isn’t even news worthy to begin with…It’s completely lawful.

It’s funny that Trump supporters would complain about the media causing a rift in the country when that was the foundation of his campaign. All he did was attack other people.

I mean, that’s literally what every politician does.

he is not an industry all his own. he’s just a dude. and honestly, that was a part of his 4D chess anyways. maybe this all still is. because trust in the media continues to dwindle amongst people like us (read: educated, employed etc.)

sharing intel with Russia but not England… come on, that says something.

Grasping here :lol:

Our intel sharing program with england is alive and well.

@theblue Can’t you see? It’s just part of his 47D chess skillz.

You handled that nicely. I can’t imagine what has to go through someones mind to think “The Donald shares intel with russia but not england”.

No, that’s grasping. UK has said it didn’t know about this intel. If you can’t share with England, dont share with Russia.

In other news, I saw this headline on Drudge: “NET NEUTRALITY SUPPORTERS WANT TO ‘BAN DRUDGE’…

because that’s what wanting neturality is, right?

further to the points of others; England doesnt appear to be an influential party in the fight against terrorism or the Syria stuff anyways. Russia, for better or worse, has more resources and capital flowing around Syria and the middle east and always has. England is a bystander… like much of the EU.

they’re all up to their eyebrows in Brexit and refugee shit anyways. i was with a couple guys from Germany last week talking about what’s going on over there. it’s a mess but alwasy good to hear it from people living it instead of just through the news.

^ Thank god Hilary didn’t win :lol:

this frustrates me… he’s the president, he can do as he pleases within certain guidelines and the office deserves an amount to leeway. again, i care more about the results than the process of getting the results. right now it isnt even possible to get results because people keep fucking with the process.

he can launch a nuke against Canada also. does that mean he should?

So you’re comparing sharing intel about ISIS plots to Russia who is also fighting ISIS in the same realm?

Still reaching :lol:

And for reference what you’re arguing about

“The information, related to an alleged ISIS plot involving laptops on airplanes, was reportedly provided to the U.S. by an ally. While Trump did not reveal specific sources and methods”

So Russia who has lost it’s own citizens in attacks on airplanes shouldn’t be having conversations with the president about a specific threat…And please tell me how this information wasn’t shared with other allies already because they’re looking at banning laptops on all incoming international threats in the near future.

no, I’m saying that because he’s entitled that share news that we have’t given to our closest allies to Russia doesn’t mean he should. Do you consider Russia a close Ally? We have sanctions against them.

The big horror in all of this is the new information that we won’t get because of the lost of trust from the source.

But I’m sure Trump’s 5D chess game in his head is outsmarting us all and this is a part of his plan.