You did read the above right? So no other allies knew details about the laptop threat :lol: :lol: :lol:
He didn’t share sources or methods he shared details about plots to bomb commercial airliners that kill citizens from all kinds of countries regardless of whatever political theater is going on…I thought #AllLivesMatter ???
So the assumption from the left and you I guess is Russia is going to tell ISIS what they learned from the US?
Just trying to wrap my head around what you’re arguing about.
This has all taken on such a level of stupidity that I honestly don’t know what is more credible; Coast to Coast AM or the liberal left/media. At least George Norreysounds honest. The hysteria is incredible, you would think we were in another cold war and the Dems being completely paranoid and making up conspiracy theories that would put all the Area 51 people to shame. Just incredible! They are openly all throwing shovels of shit trying to see what will stick.
I hate my neighbor. They play loud music, have parties, and have a barking dog. I call the cops on them all the time. If someone is breaking into their house and I have info about it, you bet your ass I’m going to share the info with them. Its beneficial for us both to fight the criminals. Doesn’t mean I’m going to stop calling the cops on them when they have loud parties (complete fictional story to make a point). Having dialogue with russia to help each other on a mutual plan to stop ISIS is the most adult thing anyone in government has done. The fact that people have an all or nothing attitude baffles me. Just because we work together to kill isis, doesn’t mean we suddenly agree with everything they do and want to make babies with them. Ill support working with north korea if they agreed to test their nukes on ISIS.
Trumps 5d chess game doesn’t include trusted whitehouse employees squaking to the mainstream media about private meetings with foreign officials. If I did this to my employer, id be terminated IMMEDIATELY. If ANYONE gave a flying fuck about losing these trusted intel sources, they wouldn’t have published the story to begin with. All anyone cares about is fucking nonsense drama to get a headline about russia.
Ugh. I’m a democrat and have been redpilled so hard. The democratic party has gone off the deep end.
I like this tweet from a journalist.
“Trying to imagine a scenario where potus is elected on the platform of draining the swamp, starts, and is loved by the D.C. Media. Can you?”
but it isnt up to you. and it isnt up to CNN, and it isnt up to anyone but r/donald himself about how he conducts himself.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he has apparently done if it is as simple as what LZ said. in fact, making it out to be criminal when it is clearly not is more worrisome.
Man, where was all this caterwauling about “witch hunts” and “constant negative press” last year? Thought I might see more Comey takes in this thread.
Trumps 5d chess game? Are you kidding me? I’m amazed at how far you guys can shove Trumps nuts down your throats. Really, A+ work.
Leaks more likely came from IC not White House staff, though confirmation probably came through the White House.
You mean aside from DHS publicly announcing laptops were blocked from being allowed as carry-on items from foreign flights? They certainly shared information regarding the threat, just not the details of the intelligence.
“We have information from a source that indicate they may be using laptops as IED’s for US bound flights” is a lot different than, "We’ received intelligence that indicates they were successfully able to smuggle a functioning ‘ABC’ brand laptop onto a European bound flight from ‘City X’ to ‘City Z’ that contained ‘Y’ grams of ‘T’ explosive, successfully bypassing detection by ‘E’ device. Detonation of the device is controlled by ‘V’, the Laptop IED was made in ‘City D’ "
No, the issue at hand was that what he discussed may compromise the source to the Russians, and that the Russians may share those details with their ally, Syria. Details he shared weren’t reportedly “sources or methods”, but the details of intelligence he shared alone could implicate the source. The greater concern being that whatever foreign agency shared that intelligence with us may be less likely to share it in the future if the moron we elected can’t keep his narcissistic mouth shut.
That’s why they reportedly had to go running to the intelligence agencies immediately following Trump’s meeting with the Russians to inform them that their source may have been compromised. Not that the Russians were going to tell ISIS.
… but that all depends on who your willing to believe. Given the way he’s continually contradicting and embarrassing his subordinates recently, I doubt the media is terribly far off.
He didn’t give them the source the SECRET information was the city where the bombs were being made/tested…
So now the assumption is he gave up sources/methods during a back story explaining more details of the laptop plot…lol ok.
So did he give name addresses and locations of human assets used to determine this information? Or did he explain the electronic surveillance in detail and give the Russians code for command and control implants on laptops or phone used to gather this info? :lol:
Now you’re worried that Israel will stop sharing intel with us? A country that gets insane amounts of military and intel support from us and works together on joint operations all the time? All because Trump gave some vague details backing up the bombing plot?
Reports indicated that he said the name of the city where the intelligence was collected.
I’m not saying that’s explicitly what was said, it was simply intended to be illustrative of the difference of sharing details and information.
Sources and Methods refer to who and how. Details refer to the contents. Reports are that he did share the name of the city where the intelligence was collected(a detail), but that he didn’t indicate what country (source) or by what method that country collected it (methods).
Assuming the reports are true that it came from Israel, it’s certainly possible that their IS may be less likely to share information IF he did in fact compromise their source. After all, how would we know they aren’t sharing something?
So, just so I’m clear; media reporting on the source of the intel is correct, but the media reports about what trump may have said and the issues presented to the IC are incorrect? Is that your assertion at this point?
The SOURCE wasn’t disclosed DETAILS about the plot were disclosed…again ISIS is the enemy of the majority citizens on the planet regardless of country and attacks on flights cause deaths for people from all countries/religions/races/etc.
I’m still failing to see any connection about anything Trump might have said that would hurt/impact sources on the ground electronic or human.
I heard a pretty good analogy for this the other day. Think of Intelligence is a big puzzle. Every IS has a some of the pieces, but not all of them. Details the president exposed may be pieces that the Russians didn’t already have. Now that they do it makes connections to other parts of the puzzle they already had, potentially exposing the source.
Source was already at risk the minute DHS decided to release the threat information obviously ISIS and those involved in the laptop plot would know someone was onto them.
Feel free to roast Trump on other issues but the minimal amount of information disclosed here isn’t causing an impact anywhere.
Again, I don’t think the point is that this particular scenario had detrimental effects, but it’s a sign that he does not know how to handle classified information properly. That used to be important to the GOP. :lol:
Knowledge of a plot certainly exposes a potential source in a broad sense. Having more or certain specific details about the plot could point to smaller subset of potential sources. I think the greater risk here was the potential for Syria to figure out who the source is if Russia shares the details with them.
We don’t have the details on what he exposed. You think it’s negligible, but the those involved thought it was a big enough deal that they had to immediately notify the IC it was exposed. To me, that implies it was potentially damaging.
I’m sitting here and am amazed that anyone would actually buy into this Russia narrative. Even the Dems know it’s nothing but BS! Frankly it’s pathetic! “Fearing” something that doesn’t exist.
Lol at your last comment Superfan. Remember the time Obama said a little something something to Medvedev? Remember the awesome treaty he signed with Russia that counts a Russian warship and its nuclear arsenal as one warhead versus counting every single warhead on a US ship… Oh what about that one time Hillary awarded the Uranium contract to a Russian firm and later got paid for it… all of which is fact. It seems to me there has to be a connection there, Obama and Putin must be best friends just fooling us all! What did we say back then? Nothing to see here!
And now here we are… discussing completely trivial and insignificant acts committed by our President. Boy you can hate him, but give me a break, you guys are being serious? You’re not just trolling? Then again, you have to give credit where credit is due, Liberals are the masters of hysteria and blowing things way out of proportion! Bravo :tup:
Tomorrow we will hear about how Trump cut his steak, front to back, or side to side. And then certain people on this site will discuss how that is something to be afraid of, be concerned about, Russia Colussion, treason, example of Trump not knowing what he’s doing.
But you know, those damn Russians! We’re to blame for the loss that Dems cant get over, as well as everything else wrong in the world! Your dog took a piss on your bed? The Russians are to blame!.. oh we can’t forget Trump.
@nermoria - You being so certain about the Russia scandal being false is no different than liberals going nuts and being certain that it’s true. There is an active investigation on the matter and that should tell us the truth since anything Trump says himself cannot be trusted. If you still believe most of what comes out of that man’s mouth you’re hopelessly misguided.
The speculation gets way out of hand and it kills the credibility around many news sources but taking an unbiased view of the situation should at least make you wonder, that’s all. No accusations. Nothing crazy. Just don’t follow Trump blindly. He is, after all, a sleazy politician now.
The investigation would have been over if there wasn’t this hysteria over it by the left. And if there was anything real there, it would have been done like every other investigation where we find out about it the day of the takedown. (Ie drug cartels). What we have now is an investigation in the media run by the media. As one Dem put it recently " it is not necessarily evidence, but you know, there are rumors".
There were rumors that Obama is a Muslim with no US burth certificate. Where was that investigation? There wasn’t because it’s absurd. Same as this. It turned into the investigation as it is now purely due to the Democrats.
The only reason why anyone would believe any of this is if you believed there was no chance for him to win the election, once he did, “cheating” must be the reason when in reality, those that were so sure Hillary would win did not have a good pulse of the country