The kind of nutjobs pushing russia trump collusion. Originally this was a hacking investigation. Lol I’m adding hysteria? I’m laughing at what a joke this is
Can’t tell if you missed the joke or just don’t want to admit the false equivalency…
Im Russian I have no sense of humor
To me Pelosi, Schumer and friends are nutjobs. But yeah i get the irony of the situation. The difference is when he said it back then people laughed at it, the nutjobs making claims now are actuallly in positions of power and are being taken seriously by some.
I imagine this family mother Palin, whose kids are Pelosi, Waters, Warren, Schumer, and Feinstein. Family of Silliness and Absurd.
You think it’s insignificant, plenty of other people don’t.
Where did I blame the Russians for anything in my recent posts?
I miss GWB.
Plenty of other people thought Obama being born abroad is not insignificant.
You show concern for something the Democrats whipped up. This isn’t the first time. It is not legitimate and fake in my opinion because of one thing;
I can turn on CNN or NPR or anything from the Democrats, hear their latest “concerns” abd then get on this thread and see it again here.
#falseequivalency seems to be a theme here.
Lol you have to love it how you can’t come to grips with the fact that this is all a sham. The Democrats know it. Its easy to see what the play is of establishment DC. Create chaos and the appearance of wrongdoing so come election time, they can say “arent you tired of this turmoil? Heres the candidate” things go back to normal, the swamp drain is plugged.
Btw “real” people who don’t live in an alternate reality don’t use hashtags this thread proves that liberals are seriously lacking in areas of logic or intelligence. Amusing, it really is!
Its “false equivalency” under one condition: The Democrats,msm and hollywood have any shred of honesty and credibility.
This guy is trolling hard.
Wanted to give him benefit of the doubt, but then he brought up draining the swamp…
Thats what it feels like you are doing when you take what Dems and msm say seriously. Feels like you are just trolling people have any respect for themselves. Trolls on sanity.
Anyone else following the Seth Rich conspiracy? It seems like every day more information comes out that sways me towards believing them.
It definitely seems shady, especially when you look at all the evidence that gets released on other headline murders vs how basically nothing has been released on this.
The smoking gun for me is why the DNC is so adamant that everyone needs to drop it. Wouldnt they be happy people want to find who murdered him and encourage an investigation?
it really is interesting the contrast in how the Seth Rich thing is being reported (something not in liberal interest) vs how other news is reported but unless there is some actual evidence it kind of just has to sit on the sidelines.
its sort of the opposite of the russian collision narrative where every non-news thing is blown up into a major revelation.
I’m curious to know how people feel about Trump not supporting the Paris Agreement. This is, and has been, one of the most important issues for me. 45 has publicly denied that climate change exists calling it a hoax made up by the Chinese. Now he was the only 1 of the G7 leaders who did not endorse the agreement. (All of this on top of the fact that he appointed climate change denier Scott Pruit to be head of the EPA.)
Do you guys support this?
Totally support it. I’m not denying climate change exists, I just see our government using it as a new tax revenue stream without doing anything to seriously tackle the issue since so many emerging countries aren’t on board.
Do you think that climate change is an issue we should be focused on? How do you suppose we should help curb the effects of growing industries if the leading nations aren’t setting an example? Shit, even China and India are making steps to reduce their effect on climate change.
Do you honestly believe China and India are ACTUALLY going to do anything they sign on that agreement? If so I’ve got some land I want to sell you, great deal I promise.