I’ll just quote myself rather than re-type what I’ve already wrote.
Eventually China will own the majority of the global battery electric vehicle market regardless…
I’m fucking up my formatting today, sorry. It was more for @JayS and anyone else who wants to join the discussion.
To respond to you; I agree with your points. I would only add that I’m 100% for being more aggressive in accelerating renewable resource initiatives but I see why it’s very difficult for that to happen. I just don’t see how the Paris Accord is a bad thing for us at all. There are very few binding parts of it and it helps the entire world join together, push for transparency between nations (when dealing with climate change), and do something for the greater good.
I already explained myself as well. It’s a bad deal because it has no teeth, won’t make any real difference, and will just be used by politicians to raise taxes with no discernible difference in global temp rise.
That’s a lot of assumptions. We disagree here, and that’s okay.
I’d like to see our government continue or increase the incentives for solar/wind to achieve the goals laid out in the Paris agreement. The fact that Trump wants to pull out of it AND doesn’t even believe in climate change is a fucking joke. (Not to mention appointing Scott Pruitt to head the EPA.) However, I’m not a fan of additional taxes to the fossil fuel industry. Although taking away subsidies for coal would be a nice push. Coal ain’t coming back. No matter how many times Trump makes fake promises on the stump.
Side note: What bizzaro world are we in when the head of the EPA wants to rollback climate change policies and the secretary of state who happens to be the former CEO of the third largest oil company in the world has recommended we stay part of it. This episode of Black Mirror sucks.
im just quoting this guy because that’s how i feel
i cant even quote today… weird… anyways i agree with JayS again.
found this guy: Patrick Michaels - Wikipedia
The Paris climate treaty is climatically insignificant. EPA’s own models show it would only lower global warming by an inconsequential two-tenths of a degree Celsius by 2100. The cost to the U.S. – in the form of required payments of $100 billion per year to the developing world – is too great for the inconsequential results. These very real expenses will consume money that could be used by the private sector to fund innovative new technologies that are economically sound and can power our society with little pollution.
Because of our private investments in technological innovation, America leads the world in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. We did that without Paris, and we will continue our exemplary leadership without it.
anyone have a source for that $100,000,000 payout to the developing world.
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edit… here is the transcript of today’s speech. he mentioned the $100,000,000 redistribution from the developed to other developing nations. so it wasnt all coming from the US.
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it’s amazing how much $$$ you can syphon out of a tax-base like the US by convincing people it’s a good idea to do that for .2 of a degree or some shit over 80+ years.
When green/renewable energy is actually cost effective it will be adopted currently its a novelty in a lot of cases.
The power grid can’t support switching some huge amount of gas powered cars over.
Take the money you want to give to other countries reinvest in technology in the US related to green energy and see innovation trying to emissions in developing worlds isn’t the fix.
I’m sure there are some people who genuinely think doing anything, even insignificantly, is worth it. But on the whole it’s not about degrees or even stopping climate change; it’s about their ideology / globalism / pursuing global equality / global social justice. Remember that the progressive end-game is a “perfect” world based on their concept of morality. They can’t further their goal of perfection without the US on board. The left isn’t really crying over thermometer readings but the fact that the US is acting in it’s own interest and not their global interest.
The same kind of people who think a CEO making 10 million is horrible…but a talk show host or athlete making 10 million is great
^+3 there are so many ways to use the same money to innovate our way out of the issue at home.
The issue I feel is that the majority speaks in symbolics instead of a good sound scientific and engineered approach .
One thing I read some time ago which I think is ONE great idea among many others, is to say create a fund with prize money that say cities compete for. At the end of the period there is one (or more) winners but hypothetically 100 cities that are better than they were at the start of the process. For that to be realistic, the regulatory system etc has to be lean and efficient.
One issue is that too much money and rescources get bogged down in a system laden with multimillion dollar surveys etc. Who here can say that 10 guys standing around on the highway filling one ditch is efficient? Its like that everywhere and needs to change. With current technology there is no reason why we cant have a robust, streamlined process in every area of government.
We can have 100’s of companies like Spacex and Tesla if we create the environment for it. The Paris Accord doesn’t help us with that.
Edit: sometimes I have a hard time putting into words what I’m thinking. Here is something closer to an example.
Back when we had the superstorm that flooded NYC everybody was sating “see ?we need to do something about climate change its real”. People talk abstracts. I want solutions. Here show me a list of 100 possible solutions. #1 build a 20ft high wall out in the bay surrounding the city. #2 build a super storm system like in some areas of Japan. And so on.
What happened in reality? People talked climate change and went back to rebuilding the houses in the same spots or on stilts(better but not a long term solution).
The fact is no matter what you believe in man made vs natural, the giant ball of snow is rolling down the mountain, and symbolics and abstracts are not solutions and won’t make the problem magically disappear.
Out of all of them, Elon Musk with Space and Mars is putting something on the table in terms of solutions, no matter how far reaching it may seem.
There are a lot of bullshit generalizations going on. There is also a clear misunderstanding of climate change. Let’s just move on to another topic.
Anyone read the Comey statement yet? Aside from just seeming shady, it’s probably just the way Trump is used to handling things. I say shady because of what he’s asking Comey to do in those conversations. I hope it’s really that he wanted to remove the ‘cloud’ to help him do his job. The hearing tomorrow is going to be interesting to see how much detail Comey goes into since he can’t talk about any of the investigations.
Edit - Here is the statement.
Let us gloss over the fact Comey confirmed Trump wasn’t under investigation…so much for that talking point.
He sure did. He wasn’t PERSONALLY under investigation. I thought we all understood that part? And it appears that he didn’t want to make a public statement about it because if he did and things changed, he would have to publicly state that he was under investigation.
It’s the Trump campaign that was under investigation. And it looks like the FBI was also involved with the allegations set forth in the dossier.
So Trump wasn’t under investigation…Russians didn’t change the outcome of the election…
What we are left with is conjecture from Comey about conversations with him and Trump.
Good luck on this actually going anywhere
Yeah that’s just one of the topics, though.
The former director of the FBI is literally calling the POTUS a liar while under oath. Trump asked him to drop an active criminal investigation. Does that not come across as fucked up to anyone?
It sure is, but it definitely sounds like the wording is going to cause it to NOT be obstruction of justice. The request never ACTUALLY affected the investigation. So he gets off scott-free.
I know, he should have just stuck to talking about golf and grandchildren.