There’s a lot of truth here. GA-6 more than any of the special elections so far sends a real message that people aren’t turning on Trump. This is a district that has been leaning farther and farther from the right for the past decade and Trump only won by 1.5 points over Hillary. The Democrats were salivating at the thought of a district they only needed to gain 1.6 points on to steal away and trumpet from the mountain tops how it proved America was turning their back on Trump and the Republicans. Surely with all the “Resist” momentum they had this was their moment. So they dumped millions upon millions raised coast to coast on this little district in GA. End result? They lost by 4 points. You really can’t understate that. They spent 30 million dollars and all their credibility about how the nation wasn’t behind Trump anymore and lost a district by 2.5 points more than Hillary did in the general.. That’s a bigly statement if there ever was.
that’s a little rose colored. both sides spent a mountain of money. It was a long shot for the dems compared to many that are closer races for next year. It would have been a big upset for the dems who really wanted to try out new strategies to see how they play. Clearly they didn’t go so well.
yeah its a shame it isnt getting more media attention.
i brought it up in conversation with people twice yesterday and they had no idea what i was talking about.
1.5 points was a long shot? After all the Russia/resist/healthcare slaughter/“his popularity is tanking just look at this poll” stuff you guys have been chanting for months? If all that plus 30 million is still a long shot good luck at the midterms.
Even CNN’s David Gergen got on yesterday saying Trump might win in 2020 and Dems had better change their message before midterms because the Russia nonsense wasn’t getting traction with anyone but the far left.
Not sure where you guys are getting the idea of growing GOP support and especially Trump support. Both have trended down in all polls. Even in the Rasmussen poll (which is an outlier) that Trump tweeted about being better than Obama in. Looks like he’s sticking with his campaign tricks to cherry pick data.
I’m ready for the typical responses…
At this point I really don’t care about polls, I care about winning. In a district Trump only won by 1.5 a Republican just won by 4. At a time when every poll says support for Trump and Republicans is falling. It’s the 5th special election Republican’s have won and they’ve gone 5-0.
If you want to talk about polls lets have a discussion about why they can’t seem to find the Trump supporters who keep showing up to vote.
But talking about growing GOP support. Yesterday Trump said he wants to work with Congress to pass regulations denying any immigrants (including legal ones) access to public aid for 5 years. The left\media is losing their minds over it. Know what everyone I’ve talked to today has said? “Good”. To us working slobs it doesn’t seem unreasonable at all that if you’re going to immigrate here you come to contribute not get handouts. Since you just got here you haven’t paid into the system that pays for these benefits so you shouldn’t be entitled to them. These things play well with the silent majority that elected him.
I don’t put much weight in single point polls but trends don’t really lie which is why my comment said ‘trending down’. He’s losing support but his base obviously won’t go anywhere. They’ll believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
As for the immigrant sidebar; I like that idea. (Refugees being a different scenario.) My parents never got any hand outs coming to Canada and the US and worked what they could. If they are coming legally it should mean that they have a damn job. :tup:
polls are meaningless. I had a phone call from IPSOS the other day on my unregistered land-line. he asked if he could ask me a bunch of questions, i said can i just hang up? and i did.
people with purpose dont care about participating in polls. only people who think that polling matters participate in polls.
if Trump’s support was trending down they would have lost Georgia. I think the far left is making the right stronger. This is coming from a guy who used to be liberal.
Kyle Wingfield AJC
Nov. 2016: Rodney Stooksbury (D) spends $0, wins 124,917 votes in #GA6
June 2017: Jon Ossoff (D) spends $23M+, wins 124,893.
- Updated - - -
Stealing this from someone else but this sums up my feelings
"We’re running victory laps because Democrats dumped money into this and sensationalized it as a referendum on Trump and then they still lost. Pretending the Democrats weren’t expecting a win and that we’re gloating over nothing is foolish.
If the Democrats won this race we’d be listening to how this is a sign drumpf is finished and how the Republicans are fucked for 2018/2020/forever
So sit there, let us gloat and enjoy all the L’s buddy."
Bingo. In the end the only truly reliable poll is the one done in the voting booth.
I’d love to see a study on the likelihood of hanging up on a random phone survey compared across political leanings and socioeconomic status. AKA, are rich democrats more likely to complete a survey than rich republicans? What about upper middle class republicans vs poor democrats etc etc?
Thats what all liberal left tried to market it as. There was this sudden white power uprising in the US based on what they were spewing. The reality if if you look at the numbers, a lot of counties that voted for Obama twice flipped. They are not seeing wage growth. People are leaving the job market due to retiring. Food at the stores are costing more. Most people just were fed up and wanted to see something different and nothing said keeping the status quo than Clinton. We are seeing it across the board and with the momentum he has, senate and house seats are flipping red too. Big pressure on it to get stuff done tho because if they do nothing in 4 years, people may not buy into another 4 years.
Countdown to the left completely losing their shit if Kennedy announces his retirement from SCOTUS as expected this week.
Gonna be full on :
Remember back when I said they’d never filibuster Gorsuch because it would be stupid to waste the filibuster on an appointment no one but the ultra left was even opposing since the Republican’s would just go nuclear (thanks Harry Reid) and push the appointment through since there was no mainstream resistance to replacing a far right judge with another far right judge? Well the did filibuster, we did go nuclear, and there wasn’t any big push back to doing it. Now there’s nothing they can do. They can cry and scream and stomp their feet that we shouldn’t use the nuclear option again but have the high ground in saying the Democrats wouldn’t confirm anyone they picked based on the Gorsuch case. The fact that they tried to filibuster a pick that only the grossly biased had a problem with gives them a ton of political cover.
How about that travel ban?
Eh, the big test will be when they actually hear the case but it’s a win for Trump that they’re allowing it to go into effect in the mean time.
Really love Gorsuch and Thomas unloading with both barrels in their dissent over the court’s refusal to hear the CA concealed carry case. I’m still going to miss Scalia but I think Gorsuch is going to make a great justice.
we done with the Russia stuff yet?
cant find a non-rambling link on YT to xpost and imbed here.
I don’t think that speaks to the validity of the investigation. However, it does help confirm all of our beliefs that CNN is a piece of shit news source.
They need to keep this hacking drama going…
The Russia thing may be bullshit, or maybe the biggest political scandal of our time. But no person outside of the FBI or Intelligence Community has any real evidence that can be backed up by a verified source. So anything you hear in the news is just hearsay. Media needs to drop the coverage unless new information is made available by the investigative teams.
Yes please, back to the hacking drama.
It’s really sad what the media is allowed to get away with using “unnamed White House source” as their proof.
I could say I have an unnamed source that says theblue blows donkeys in his spare time. Good luck to theblue proving otherwise because the shield laws mean I don’t have to reveal who that source is so no one can even vet his claims.
You mean the “watered down, politically correct version”? They continued the stay on the portion that’s being litigated. So much winning though!