The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

Trump may now be personally under investigation. Only a few outlets are reporting it thus far. Waiting for confirmation.

Hillary deleted 33000 emails after being asked to turn them over, but Trump is under investigation for obstruction. Makes sense.

So if I want Hillary investigated for the emails, does that make Trump need to be investigated also?

What does that have to do with this?

i dont think being under investigation is significant unless they are actually convicted of something.

people at this level of power should probably always be under some state of investigation or audit anyways given how much there is at stake.

when the news says that the D or Jared is under investigation about russian collusion that literally means nothing to me. i would expect that someone is investigating any potential wrong-doing anyways… if they find anything compelling and indictable i’ll raise an eyebrow… but if nothing comes of even reasonably suspicious actions then it’s not news to me, just politics as usual.

That’s the point. Trump was elected. Im done with this “reach across the isle” bullshit. For the past few decades the Democrats/liberals have talked “reach across the isle” but in reality if you dont think like them then your are …(insert any word they always use)… And it’s “my way or the highway”.

Its time the GOP stops bending over for the Libs. It’s time to make them feel what it means to lose, for real. Beat them to shit on every front, forget all this reach across the isle nonsense that the Dems never really did anyway.

Also, I have a brain so if a Democrat was being accused of this type of idiocy, i would call the accusers morons as well. Again to me this and the whole birther thing with Obama is the same thing. The difference is Dems/Libs have much deeper tentacles to make a conspiracy theory seem credible.

But comon we all know what this is. They lost and hate Trump and what he wants to do. In their mind the best way to stall the President and bring the agenda to a halt is all this stonewalling, callusion nonsense. Tell me, how is it ok by any standard to have only approved like 57 nominated positions out of what, 600? Not because there is a danger that Donald Trump is secretly a Russian spy, but because the Liberals dont want this President to succeed in anything. They want to punish those of us who voted for him, and they say as much.

I say keep digging your graves.

I think we can all agree that leftists targeting the pets of the right wing is pure evil right?

That’s incredibly fucked up. It takes a special kind of evil to not only come up with this idea but to broadcast in order to recruit even more people to take part in this psychopathic activity.

Please don’t take something like this and apply it to a broad political spectrum. Using this on ‘leftists’ is no different than people calling all Republicans racists because of the KKK. Those parallels are bullshit.

For example someone who worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign shooting at Republicans? lol

Which is why I made that comment. Not sure why that’s laughable…

The media is really struggling to spin how Democrats spending $30 million on Ossoff only to see him lose by 4 points in a district Trump only carried by 1.5 points is the latest proof of the repudiation of Trump. @Paulo @theblue you guys want to take a swing at this one? :lol:

It’s a deep red district. They took a risk pumping money into that one and lost. Considering how well he did in the primaries it seemed like a good bet to place but I never really expected a 30 year old to convert a district.

What are they spinning? All that I’ve seen is that they tried and lost. Simple as that.

It’s funny that you think THIS is notable spin.

I didn’t say they were spinning, I said they’re struggling to spin and suggested you guys, who are always up on the next great, “This will be the end of Trump” thing give it a shot.

I know Maddow is blaming the rain over the Democrat leaning part of the district. Maybe take that and run with it.

This CNN hack is going with the line of “Even when you lose, special elections let you try out your message”.


Maddow is a dipshit.

The violent hate spewed by the left is breeding a new level of domestic terrorists sadly.

People are fed up and the more it keeps up, the more we are going to see this GOP domination. Hell, Trump is a 6/2 favorite in 2020, the nearest dem candidate is like 30:1. Mike Pence is even more favored to win 2020. Dems are in full denial and just going to keep blaming people.

People need to get off running on the platform that half of America is a racist/gay bashing/hates the poor/etc if they voted for or agree with anything Trump says…

The news treats people who support Trump or republicans for that matter like its some fringe minority except they keep winning :lol:

What fucking news are you watching?

People are fed up and the more it keeps up, the more we are going to see this GOP domination. Hell, Trump is a 6/2 favorite in 2020, the nearest dem candidate is like 30:1. Mike Pence is even more favored to win 2020. Dems are in full denial and just going to keep blaming people.


i would prefer that this continue for a good long slow burn.

wins like Georgia last night need to be recurring.

it’s the best medicine.

I think I’m starting to understand 2 things.

The first being the major disconnect between myself and mainstream leftists and what we consider to be credible or not. For them the interpretations of events/facts by people of the NPR’s of this world are more credible and in higher regard than the raw data of the Wikileaks of this world. Now I personally find it offensive for some so called “expert” at NPR (insert any other msm) feels like I’m too dumb to understand without their explanation of whatever the subject matter is. Im smart enough and educated enough to interpret the raw data without the usual bias that they put on the facts.

Bottom line for me Wikileaks datadumps are highly credible and beyond that, pure facts. It doesn’t matter how the information was acquired, the content is the important stuff (Msm acts like it’s another Abovetopsecret or World Weekly News or something)

#2 In my case personally, I have received everything I went out to vote for. Conservative Supreme Court pick- checked. Term 3 of Obama on steroids prevented -checked.
In terms of what concerned me most, those two were it.

At this point nobody can say to me “See? I told you he would be a terrible president”. Anything President Trump does/accomplishes is just that much more gratification from me. I did not vote for him because I thought he was going to do all that he promised.

That’s why all this talk of him being a liar etc. Just falls on deaf ears. It doesn’t help that there is no reason to believe any msm including NPR, including people like Comey or anyone else on government is saying anything that is more truthful than Trump is. They have done nothing to prove that they are above politics, their own political agenda and bringing about the worldview they believe in.

I also believe there are millions of others who think just like or similar to me.
Msm and Hollywood have a loudspeaker but in terms of numbers they are much smaller than they portray themselves to be.

the GA win proves it and disproves the MSM narrative. it’s just making the quiet conservatives gain momentum and recruit people sick of being identified with the far left / feminist / antifa people.