They do a good job of explaining the data that they’re looking at for mortality rates and trying to account for some other variables. However, mortality rate is just one variable among a complex system. How many people will go bankrupt? How many people will stop having any type of preventative care? That’s a bit outside of this particular topic, though. Let’s speak to the data itself.
It’s counter-intuitive for mortality rates to see a sudden increase. Why would MORE care lead to that? Confusing results, for sure. Perhaps it’s part of a larger trend in Americans? The data is age adjusted but does it take into account the baby boomers starting to die off now?
The data was obviously only in response to the “people are going to die” if ocare is repealed. Obviously its not that simple, but its how some politicians have chosen to scare everyone.
Also you assume that b/c more people have “insurance” that more people are now receiving medical care where before they were not. They dont exactly go hand in hand.
Also, more people for the same number of doctors. Call and try to make an appointment with a new PCP for example and when you get told its 6 months to see one, a lot of people are just not going then.
Before the election season started and all the obvious bias, I remember listening to a program on NPR with a panel of doctors, hospital directors and other medical professionals that talked about what a disaster Obamacare was from the standpoint of actually improving quality of care, costs of said care and the ability/ease of advancements in the medical field.
It was said that this was more about scoring political points and not about actually improving healthcare.
Wish I remembered what it was called, was around NYC that day.
Anyone want to talk about the fact that multi-billion dollar media company CNN threatened to dox a 15 year old kid because he made a meme gif they didn’t like, then bragged about that doxing threat on, in an article that has mysteriously gone from top of the page headline this morning to nowhere on after #CNNBlackMail became the #1 trending hashtag?
CNN is not publishing “HanAssholeSolo’s” name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
Hopefully even the media defenders out there have a problem with CNN saying to a private citizen, “As long as you stop posting stuff that offends CNN we won’t publish your personal information.”
So with Trump Jr releasing emails I have one question… When doing opposition research, wouldn’t trying to dig up dirt on the opposition by turning over every stone you can , just smart politics? Who the hell cares what the source of the information is, the gold is in the information. Most Americans dont care. On that note, it is a fact that Hillary tried to get incriminating information on Trump by working with the Ukrainians… Then again by this point most people understand that this is all just a ruse trying to stall Trump in anything he does. What do we have, 65 cabinet members approved? That should be criminal
I came to see some mental gymnastics from Trump guzzlers, and was not disappointed.
Jr tweets out evidence of his intent to collude with the Russian government, after over a year of denying any campaign involvement or interest, and that’s of no issue to you? That’s just politics?
On your last point; The Cabinet positions have all been filled since spring. If you’re referring to the other miscellaneous political appointees… he needs to actually nominate people, and those people have to actually submit the required paperwork to even get to the point of having a committee hearing. To this point he’s only nominated people for about 20% of the open positions.
So who exactly are you trying to blame there? Is it criminal that Trump hasn’t nominated them, or that the GOP controlled senate(that only needs a simple majority to approve appointees), hasn’t approved all of his nominees, or is it the nominees that haven’t provided the necessary paperwork? Oh wait, you meant the Dems or the liberals, right? I keep forgetting that we’re through the looking glass. Facts be damned.
Lol evidence of intent to collude? What a joke! Some random person emails him that they have damaging scoop the source of which is the Russian government. How is that actually intending to collude with the Russian government? We’re talking about information here first of all and it ends up being nothing because it was a clear setup by Clinton allies.
You cant make something true by just saying “its a fact”. President Trump has made all the nominations but is being stonewalled literally by the establishment who keep pushing back hearings etc. You’re pulling shit out of your ass or just repeating what you heard from some msm .
At the end of the day most people dont give a shit about how anybody on the Trump campaign received information, he was elected fairly not because of some Russian involvement but because enough people like me voted for him, time for all these obstructionist assholes to move on.
You keep playing your liberal fantasies, nothing will come of it
Edit: if you want just ignore everything and tell me this, with all this “intent to collude” but no evidence that there ever was any sort of real contact with the Russian government, where is the outrage from you on Hillary actually colluding with Ukraine? Facts be damned! Then again if its Russia that means evil, Ukraine however is a bastion of democracy so colluding with that foreign entity is ok. Hahahaha
Or no this is the real logic: if you fight for the values of Democrats and liberals, anything goes, nothing is considered wrong. If it has to do with the center or right, collusion, treason, racism nazi undemocratic…
“clear setup by Clinton allies”? Speaking of fantasy…
You say he has made all the nominations. That is not true. I’m not “pulling shit out of my ass”. You say I’m wrong, prove it.
Let me know who he’s nominated for the following positions:
Ambassador, Germany, Department of State
Ambassador, Saudi Arabia, Department of State
Ambassador, Korea, Department of State
Inspector general, Department of Defense
Under secretary for nuclear security/administrator for nuclear security, Department of Energy
I could keep going, but there’s nearly 400 positions he hasn’t made a nomination for as of this morning.
I think there are likely more people that care than you might think, including people that voted for him.
If nothing comes of this, I’ll gladly admit I was wrong. Are you man enough to do the same?
Spoiler alert: No he’s not. That’s been the MO of most avid Trump supporters. If the news is bad for Trump, it’s fake. However, feel free to use any positive news about Trump as a legitimate source. That’s okay.
Most people America are middle to lower class and even the liberal polls show that their own base dont care about “Russia collusion” but want Washington to get to work.
If it comes out in a credible way (not Comey style) that the Trump campaign was in regular contact with Russian officials to rig the election and where Russia gains something, then I will admit that is a bad thing to do. However you must understand, after the deals and the arms treaty signed with Russia by Hillary and Obama, my idea of what it means to do wrong when it comes to Russia is high. Unless you can show me proof that the Russian government hacked voting machines and changed votes, or there were Russian operatives working states on behalf of the Trump campaign, everything else is a nonissue, its politica, it’s dirty.
Did you assume my gender?
Edit: lol at Paulo im not as much a Trump supporter as I am against the mental sickness called Liberalism. I want him to beat them to shit every chance he gets. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
She’s Russian not NPR so she can’t be trusted to be telling the truth.
Fact: if Trump today signed a arms treaty with Putin today like Obama did, those of you who are oh so concerned with Russia collusion would go apeshit and he would be impeached and possibly imprisoned on grounds of treason. Look at what Tim Caine is saying today.
I just have fun seeing how up tight liberals get. So much for being open minded. Making up “facts” as they go. Ignoring raw data. It’s not fake news, it"s “Fake lifestyle”…“Tomorrow the president will say…then he will point out…then in exactly 5 weeks he will bomb these coordinates”. All scripted bullshit.
C’mon nermoria. You said I’m “pulling shit out of my ass”. Prove me wrong.
Those are fairly prominent positions. If he’s nominated someone, it should be easy enough to find the names.
As far as your gender, you said you came over as part of a refugee program for persecuted Christians. You used the phrase “Christian” rather than Catholic or Orthodox so that leads me to believe that you’re probably an Evangelical, who tend to be fairly conservative. You also bemoaned the trouble and expense you had bringing your wife over, so unless there’s a persecuted Christian sect I’m unaware of that’s cool with LGBTQ folks, male seems like a safe assumption.