The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

Wait, so the extent of the Russia collusion story is this? That Trump jr tried to and failed receive information from a Russian lawyer? Where does that prove that there were actual Russian government operatives involved that tried to facilitate this?

So if Superfan sends an email in which he says “Hey Chelsea Clinton, I have somebody here who wants to pass along damning information about Trump that comes from the Swedish government that wants your mother to win” … That proves Hillary and campaign colluded with the Swedish government? How do you prove that it’s not a hoax especially considering that there is no information given in the end?

Seriously just because somebody in an email claims that the Russian government wants Trump to win, makes it the smoking gun that proves Russian collusion? Where is the evidence that anything in the email was authentic? If this is the extent of Russian collusion evidence, I would rest easy. It wouldn’t stand up in any sort of court or under scrutiny.

Again loom at the latest from Alan Dershowitz.

If this is the big bad thing that happened I dont get whats wrong about it. This is the way its always been. At the end of the day the President is President because of votes not because of Russia. There is no reason not to get back to work for Washington (except political reasons) lets see how this plays out in the midterm elections

From National Review

In other words, there now exists evidence that senior members of the Trump campaign tried unsuccessfully to facilitate Russian government efforts to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Read more at:

That’s complete spin. This makes the reader think that in fact there was Russian government involvement/effort. In reality it was an email from somebody that claimed that an intermediary had information from the Russian government because the Russian government was interested in Trump winning. You could just make that up. I would be somewhat concerned if say this came from an authentic Russian operative, and the meeting was held and there was an exchange of information, then that information influenced the election or election process. None of that happened. If Hillary had done the same (which she did(her campaign)) and the media was going after her like they are going after Trump and team, I would call it nonsense just the same, this is not me being blinded by my undying love for this great president :wink:


Me making something up? Or is it when it comes to Hillary it doesn’t apply? Kinda like only white men can be racist right? Obama and new START treaty… Every warhead on US plane is counted whereas we count every Russian ship and plane as a warhead even if it’s carrying 10. That benefits the USA right? Makes the US military stronger right? “But there is less Nuclear arms in the world…” :smiley:

Trump is dropping the hammer tomorrow. Dreaming of a Clinton perp walk tonight while I sleep.

i cant read all the back and forth here.

i saw this news yesterday, took a cursory view of it and dismissed it. it’s the same as the rest… someone reached out offering information, sure i’ll meet with you, meets, nothing really comes of the meeting… all seems pretty innocuous to me.

it feels like we keep redoing step 1 and 2 of the 12 step process of criminal collusion, but never actually progressing to the point where collusion or results are anything other than speculative.

i’ve got no issue admitting i was wrong if that comes to pass but i’ve got more engaging things to be concerned about than Jr’s emails.

Fox is the only network exposing the links of the Russian broad to Obama people. Like I said, it was a trap.

From the link @JayS posted:

“In October the government bypassed the normal visa process and gave a type of extraordinary permission to enter the country called immigration parole,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni explained to the judge during a hearing Jan. 6, 2016.

“That’s a discretionary act that the statute allows the Attorney General to do in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer into the country to assist,” he added.

The more that comes out about how this lawyer was let in and who she met with before and after this may turn out to be worse for the Obama admin than Trump.

I don’t know about that, what would be the upside for Obama’s crew in doing this maliciously?

I don’t think the point is that they did this maliciously, but that she’s obviously been though a state department / justice department check at a minimum so if she does have top Russian government connections the Obama administration must have known about them. And then they “let” her overstay her visa by 6 months on top of it.

I think the point is that the Obama administration didn’t find her as a threat at all.

This was a total set up.

This is the likely explanation.

Then you have your overly complicated conspiracy version involving “the deep state”.

I swear this Natalia Veselnitskaya chick looks just like Valerie Burtonelli

Random Liberal: “You should engage in objective analysis! Accept real facts” while reading World Weekly Ne…Salon

Random Normal person: Project Veritas

Random Liberal: “You are worse than Alex Jones! Tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist! Those videos are a hoax! OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS!!!” screeching

I wanted to come back to this comment.

This is certainly different from the rest. It is black and white evidence of intent to collude with a foreign government. This is regardless of whether or not the meeting was fruitful for the Trump campaign at the time. This is not opposition research. To be clear, collusion is not a legal term. What some are arguing is that Jr could have conspiracy related charges against him since he was under the impression that he would be meeting with a member of Russia’s government, but did they break the law by having this meeting? It would appear not. Also, we are not at war with Russia so when people talk about treason it’s a bit absurd.

Now we tack on to this that they have been lying about it every step of the way. Whether it happened, who was there, what it was about, etc. These people never stop lying. It’s concerning.

None of this Russia stuff is getting Democrats anymore votes in the next election, but it is keeping their base engaged. If Trump wins a second term it’s going to be interesting as to what they blame that failure on.

Speaking of the next presidential election, for the Democrats here, who do you think has the best shot right now? My opinion is that the Democrat party has gone all-in with identity politics that the only way they can win again is if they run another African American candidate. No white candidate is going to beat Trump. Not even if it’s Bernie. Kamala Harris is one to watch I think.

They’re gonna run Hillary again. :lol:

JayS posting a Huffington Post article. What has the world come to… :lol:

They won’t run Hillary again. That would be idiotic. I’m honestly not sure we’ve seen who will be the next nominee but you can bet they won’t be so much of a damn robot like HRC was.

And I agree that this stuff isn’t winning democrats votes directly, but I believe it’s losing support for Trump. My own anecdotal evidence is how many Republicans around me who originally were okay with the idea of a Trump presidency have completely lost faith in him and his antics. Several of which decided not to vote for him, but many who simply regret it. I touched on this earlier; Polls as a snap shot may not be that accurate, but trends don’t lie. I think he’s losing support.

Also, @Onyx_Z32 - The point of reasonable people talking about Russia stuff isn’t to get democrats votes, it’s to question what this administration is doing. I’m fine with a good Republican being in office but everything about Trump screams bullshit to me.

Are they doing something policy wise that needs questioning or just what they’re doing in regards to the Russia accusations?

It’s sort of confusing how mad people are over Russia wanting to change the outcome of the US election when the US has done it to other countries multiple times over the years.

Beyond that Russia didn’t change the outcome of the election or hack anything that impacted voting machines.

So? Prostitution stings are also a set up. Soliciting is still illegal regardless of whether or not you do the deed.