The view from the 57th

USS building ( I HATE downtown elevators)
sorry the camera phone sucks…

My dads office is just a few floors away…he’s got some great views as well.

who yins move ?

I work downtown ( I’m in the Mellon III building ) I’m on the 25th floor and WOW there is quite a difference with my view compared to those pics. That would def. be crazy to be up that high day in and day out.



Meyers Lawyers or something…

their goin out and UPMC is taking up the entire floor

Awesome view.


my account got suspended so you cant see the pics any more but i used to work for full service network on that floor

:rofl: no shit…

I seen the name full service network up on the wall still, that part of the floor is ALL FUCKED UP… completely ripped apart

I hate full service network…thats my phone comp. ( i had to add that )