The Z06 is SLOW!


lol, aw shit here we go again.

im going to keep my mouth closed this time around but I don’t think most are going to do the same.


It boggles my mind why you always make statements that are obviously going to provoke an argument. Whatever happened to “it’s not my cup of tea?” When you make such aggressive statements, you’re pretty much asking for an argument, especially since you work on rotaries. They’re not exactly the epitomy of reliable.

Jebus this thing is sick. I must get my mitts on the press car.

Whats up with the Punisher logo with the Corvette eyes and nose at the air inlet? I hope that comes stock.

heres a video that i havent watched yet so it might suck:

Mmmm video is lame. No action.

But that Punisher shit is for real…it is embossed into the air intake.

The Punisher logo comes from the late C6.R paint scheme which had the punisher logo. The racing team apparently was using it as their official/unofficial logo, and I found this little story here:

"We were at Le Mans in 2004 and we met the Corvette Racing team. We noticed that the team had unofficially embraced skull icons as a symbol of the take-no-prisoners mentality of those intense 24 hours. “TAKE NO PRISONERS” was actually scrawled on the wall of the Corvette pit.

We thought that the team should have its very own skull icon and we sketched our idea over beers on a cocktail napkin.

The C6.R “Mascot” made its debut on C6.R’s b pillars the next year at the 2005 Le Mans race. They’ve been on the C6.R’s ever since. What can we say except that we’re extremely happy & proud to have our design on the coolest racecars in the world. " for more info I guess =/. They have a little tidbit of info on the intake on the main page of the site too if you scroll down a little.

heres more:

This thing should probably edge out the new Vipers. Although for now the Vipers seem to be king.

Haha I’ve seen that car a bunch of times too and never noticed it.

Have to pay more attention next time.


The silvia has always been an affordable fun car. Its not a supercar like the skyline.

CORVETTO Zr1!! :smiley:

haha, this is a true american supercar
with more testosterone & no b.s bling
added to the ZO6 :stuck_out_tongue: can’t wait to see this
thing on the roads, as it is in limited numbers tho :S

I have had a good love for the vett for years now and I am glad to see something like this. I wonder what it will retail for? unless it was there and I just looked over it.

i believe its like a 100 grand